
  • dinleye dinleye bağımlısı olduğum mükemmel şarkı. dishonored oynayınca daha bi anlamlı geliyor. oyunda çevredekilerin söylemesi filan çok güzel olmuş.
  • salt müziği dinlenildiği anda insanı dinginliğe sürüklediği gibi bir süre sonra sözleriyle beraber odaklanıldığı zaman sizi dexter'a dönüştürebilitesi kuvvetle muhtemel parça.
  • insanın kanını donduracak güzellikte bir parça. her dakika bunu mırıldanarak geziyorum artık.
  • en az orjinali drunken sailor kadar dile dolanan dark side şarkı.

    earli in the morning..
  • her dinleyişte defalarca başlayıp bitirdiğim dishonored'i tekrar oynama isteği uyandıran enfes şarkı.

    what will we do with the drunken whaler
    what will we do with the drunken whaler
    what will we do with the drunken whaler
    early in the morning
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning
    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    early in the morning
    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    early in the morning
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning
    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    early in the morning
    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    early in the morning
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning
  • dishonored isimli über oyunun tüyleri tiken tiken eden soundtrack'i.
    buradan dinleyebilirsiniz.

    edit: onceki link kurbaga olmus, duzelttim.
  • tool - imagine kavırı neyse, copilot'un bu kavırı da odur. sıçtın ağzımıza küçük kız vokali, kederden kedere sürükledin, steampunk aleminde bir garip fukara eyledin bizi.

    tadından yenmez, adamı tahta bacaklı sarhoş balina avcısı kıvamına getirir.
  • vokali ayrı, bestesi ayrı, sözleri ayrı ürperten dishonored soundtrack'i. anlaşılacağı üzere bir drunken sailor yorumu. sözleri şöyledir;

    what will we do with a drunken whaler
    what will we do with a drunken whaler
    what will we do with a drunken whaler
    early in the morning

    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning

    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    stuff him in a sack and throw him over
    early in the morning

    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    feed him to the hungry rats for dinner
    early in the morning

    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning

    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol
    early in the morning

    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    slice his throat with a rusty cleaver
    early in the morning

    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    way hey and up she rises
    early in the morning

    adamın rüyasına girer uyutmaz amk.
  • (bkz: copilot)
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