• sık sık çeşitli sitelerde sorulan bir soru.

    what "common knowledge"
    is simply not true
    * money can't buy happiness.
    * jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
    * male masturbation is unhealthy -
    (research has shown that masturbating early and often may reduce prostate cancer later in life)
    * you can be whatever you want to be
    * everyone can find love
    * there are more than two genders
    * the great wall of china is visible from space
    * you eat six spider a year in your sleep.
    (doğrusu ortalama sekiz )

    bir başka örnek:
    balıkların hafızası 3 saniyeden sonra resetlenir
    kelebeklerin ömrü 1 gündür
    uzayda yer çekimi yoktur...

2926 entry daha
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