• olasi konu basliklarina gore, amerika'daki gelisim psikolojisi doktoralarinda bu sinav icin belirlenen okuma listesi suna yakindir. hangi makale hangi basliga girer el emegi, goz nurudur (aka, bileklerimi kesicem)

    kisaltmalarsa su anlamda: lang=language development (dil gelisimi); cognitive= cognitive development (bilissel gelisim); social= social development (sosyal gelisim); theories= gecerliligini yitirmis ya da yitirmemis konudaki ilk teoriler; methods: gelisim psikolojisinde kullanilan yaygin arastirma metodlari (farkindalik icin meme emme hizi, kalp atisi hizi olcme vb.); books= makaleler disinda verilen kitaplar.

    stage theory of development

    (theories) piaget j. (1970). piaget’s theory. in p.h. mussen (ed.) carmichael’s manual of child psychology (vol. 1). ny: wiley

    (book) erikson, e.h. (1963). childhood and society. ny: norton.

    (cognitive) case, r. (1997). the development of conceptual structures. in d. kuhn & r.s. siegler (eds.), cognitive, language, and perceptual development (vol. 2). in b. damon (general editor), handbook of child psychology. ny: wiley.

    (cognitive) gopnik, a. (1996). the post-piaget era. psychological science, 7, 221-225.


    (social) gewirtz, j.l., & pelaez-nogueras, m. (1992). skinner, b.f.: legacy to human infant behavior and development. american psychologist, 47, 1411-1422.

    (lang) chomsky, n. (1959). a review of b.f. skinner’s verbal behavior. language, 35, 26-129.

    experience in the physical environment
    touch and body movement

    (theories) piaget j. (1970). piaget’s theory. in p.h. mussen (ed.) carmichael’s manual of child psychology (vol. 1). ny: wiley

    (cognitive) baillargeon, r. (2004). infants’ physical world. current directions in psychological science, 13, 89-94.

    nature vs. nurture

    (theories) lerner r.m., & von eye, a. (1992). sociobiology and human development: arguments and evidence. human development, 35, 12-33.

    (theories) bronfenbrenner, u. (1989). ecological systems theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (theories) bandura, a. (1989). social cognitive theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (cognitive) gopnik, a. (1996). the post-piaget era. psychological science, 7, 221-225.

    (cognition) newcombe, n.s. (2002). the nativist-empiricist controversy in the context of recent research of special and quantitative development. psychological science, 13, 395-401.

    (cognition) spelke, e.s., & newport, e.l. (1998). nativism, empiricism, and the growth of knowledge. in r.m. lerner (ed.) handbook of child psychology: vol. 1. theoretical models of human development (5th ed., pp. 275-340). ny: john wiley.

    (social) collins, w.a., maccoby, e.e., steinberg, l., hetherington, e.m., & bornstein, m. (2000). contemporary research on parenting: the case for nature and nurture. american psychologist, 55, 218-232

    behavior genetics

    (theories) gottlieb, g. (2003). on making behavior genetics truly developmental. human development, 46, 337-55.

    (theories) hoffman, l. (1991). the influence of family environment on personality: accounting for sibling differences. psychological bulletin, 108, 187-203.

    (book) plomin, r. (1990). nature and nurture: an introduction to behavior genetics. pacific grove, ca: brooks/cole.


    (theories) dewsbury, d.a. (1992). comparative psychology and ethology: a reassessment. american psychologist, 47, 337-355.

    (cognitive) bjorklund, d.f. (1997). in search of a metatheory for cognitive development (or piaget’s dead and i don’t feel so good myself). child development, 68, 142-146.

    (cognitive) geary, d.c. (1995). reflections on evolution and culture in children’s cognition. american psychologist, 50, 24-37.

    (social) buss, d.m. (1995). psychological sex differences: origins through sexual selection. american psychologist, 50, 164-168.


    clinical/ psychotherapy

    (theories) freud, s. (1964). an outline of psychoanalysis. in j. strachey (ed.) the standard edition of the complete psychological works of sigmund freud (vol. 23). london: hogarth press.

    (book) erikson, e.h. (1963). childhood and society. ny: norton

    (social) dodge, k.a. (1993). social-cognitive mechanisms in the development of conduct disorder and depression. annual review of psychology, 44, 559-584.

    influence of parents and siblings

    (theories) bandura, a. (1989). social cognitive theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (theories) hoffman, l. (1991). the influence of family environment on personality: accounting for sibling differences. psychological bulletin, 108, 187-203.

    (cognitive) perner, j., buffman, t., & leekam, s. (1994). theory of mind is contagious: you can catch it from your sibs. child development, 6, 991-1011.

    (cognition) rogoff, b. (1997). cognition as a collaborative process. in d. kuhn & r. siegler (eds) cognition, language, and perceptual development (vol. 2). in b. damon (gen, ed.) handbook of child psychology (pp. 679-744). ny: wiley.

    (social) collins, w.a., maccoby, e.e., steinberg, l., hetherington, e.m., & bornstein, m. (2000). contemporary research on parenting: the case for nature and nurture. american psychologist, 55, 218-232.

    (lang) decasper, a.j., & spence, m.j. (1986). prenatal maternal speech influences newborns’ perception of speech sounds. infant behavior and development, 9, 133-150.

    (lang) gelman, s., coley, j.d., rosengren, k., hartman, e., & pappas, a. (1998). beyond labeling: the role of maternal input in the acquisition of richly structured categories. monographs of srcd, 62(1), serial no. 253.

    (lang) tamis-lemonda, c., bornstein, m., athana-kalman, r., baumwell, l., & cyphers, l. (1998). predicting variation in the timing of language milestones in the second year: an events history approach. j. child language, 25, 675-700.

    influence of peers

    (theories) bandura, a. (1989). social cognitive theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (methods) masche, j.g., & van dulmen, m.h.m. (2004). advances in disentangling age, cohort, and time effects: no quadrature of the circle, but a help. developmental review, 24, 332-342.

    (social) plomin, r., & daniels, d. (1987). why are children in the same family so different from each other? behavior and brain sciences, 10, 1-16.

    influence of school/ education in general

    (cognitive) ceci, s.j. (1991). how much does schooling influence general intelligence and its cognitive components? a reassessment of the evidence. developmental psychology, 27, 703-722.

    (cognitive) geary, d.c. (1995). reflections on evolution and culture in children’s cognition. american psychologist, 50, 24-37.

    (cognitive) stevenson, h., chen, c., & lee, s. (1993). mathematics achievement of chinese, japanese, and american children: ten years later. science, 259, 53-58.

    (cognitive) case, r. (1997). the development of conceptual structures. in d. kuhn & r.s. siegler (eds.), cognitive, language, and perceptual development (vol. 2). in b. damon (general editor), handbook of child psychology. ny: wiley.

    (cognitive) sternberg, r.j. (1997). the concept of intelligence and its role in lifelong learning and success. american psychologist, 52, 1030-1037.

    social influence in general/ culture

    (social) ogbu, j. (1994). from cultural differences to differences in cultural frames of references. in p.m. greenfield & r.r. cocking (eds.) cross cultural roots of minority child development (pp. 356-392). hinsdale, nj: erlbaum.

    (theories) bronfenbrenner, u. (1989). ecological systems theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (cognition) rogoff, b. (1997). cognition as a collaborative process. in d. kuhn & r. siegler (eds) cognition, language, and perceptual development (vol. 2). in b. damon (gen, ed.) handbook of child psychology (pp. 679-744). ny: wiley.

    (theories) bandura, a. (1989). social cognitive theory. in r. vasta (ed.) annals of child development: theories of child development: revised formulations and current issues. greenwich, ct: jai press.

    (social) dodge, k.a. (1993). social-cognitive mechanisms in the development of conduct disorder and depression. annual review of psychology, 44, 559-584.

    (lang) fivush, r., & nelson, l. (2004). culture and language in the emergence of autobiographical memory. psychological science, 15, 573-577.


    (theories) hoffman, l. (1991). the influence of family environment on personality: accounting for sibling differences. psychological bulletin, 108, 187-203.

    (social) luthar, s., cicchetti, d., & bronwyn, b. (2000). the construct of resilience: a critical evaluation and guidelines for future work. child development, 71, 1-16.

    (social) thomas, a., & chess, s. (1986). the nyls: from infancy to early adult life. in r. plomin & j. dunn (eds.) the study of temperament: changes, continuities, and challenges. hinsdale, nj: earlbaum.

    (social) burhans, k.k., & dweck, c.s. (1995). helplessness in early childhood: the role of contingent worth. child development, 66, 1719-1738.


    (social) thomas, a., & chess, s. (1986). the nyls: from infancy to early adult life. in r. plomin & j. dunn (eds.) the study of temperament: changes, continuities, and challenges. hinsdale, nj: earlbaum.

    self concept

    (social) harter, s. (1990). issues in the assessment of the self-concept of children and adolescents. in a.m. lagrerca (ed.), through the eyes of the child: obtaining self reports from children and adolescents. boston: allyn & bacon.


    (social) luthar, s., cicchetti, d., & bronwyn, b. (2000). the construct of resilience: a critical evaluation and guidelines for future work. child development, 71, 1-16.

    (social) burhans, k.k., & dweck, c.s. (1995). helplessness in early childhood: the role of contingent worth. child development, 66, 1719-1738.

    intelligence/ iq

    (cognitive) ceci, s.j. (1991). how much does schooling influence general intelligence and its cognitive components? a reassessment of the evidence. developmental psychology, 27, 703-722.

    (cognitive) mccall, r.b., & carriger, m.s. (1993). a meta-analysis of infant habituation and recognition memory performance as predictors of later iq. child development, 64, 57-79.

    (cognitive) sternberg, r.j. (1997). the concept of intelligence and its role in lifelong learning and success. american psychologist, 52, 1030-1037.


    (cognitive) flavell, j., green, f., & flavell, e. (1995): young children’s knowledge about thinking. monographs of the society for research in child development, 60, (1, serial no. 243).

    (cognitive) perner, j., buffman, t., & leekam, s. (1994). theory of mind is contagious: you can catch it from your sibs. child development, 6, 991-1011.

    (cognitive) shatz, m. (1994). theory of mind and the development of sociolinguistic intelligence in early childhood. in c. lewis & p. mitchell (eds.) children’s early understanding of the mind. hinsdale, nj: erlbaum.

    (cognitive) woolley, j.d. (1997). thinking about fantasy: are children fundamentally different thinkers and believers form adults? child development, 68, 991-1011.


    (social) harter, s. (1990). issues in the assessment of the self-concept of children and adolescents. in a.m. lagrerca (ed.), through the eyes of the child: obtaining self reports from children and adolescents. boston: allyn & bacon.

    (methods) masche, j.g., & van dulmen, m.h.m. (2004). advances in disentangling age, cohort, and time effects: no quadrature of the circle, but a help. developmental review, 24, 332-342.

    (methods) mccall, r.b. (1977). challenges to a science of developmental psychology. child development, 48, 333-334.

    (cognition) rogoff, b. (1997). cognition as a collaborative process. in d. kuhn & r. siegler (eds) cognition, language, and perceptual development (vol. 2). in b. damon (gen, ed.) handbook of child psychology (pp. 679-744). ny: wiley.

    (social) collins, w.a., maccoby, e.e., steinberg, l., hetherington, e.m., & bornstein, m. (2000). contemporary research on parenting: the case for nature and nurture. american psychologist, 55, 218-232


    (cognitive) mccall, r.b., & carriger, m.s. (1993). a meta-analysis of infant habituation and recognition memory performance as predictors of later iq. child development, 64, 57-79.

    (book) pillemer, d.b. (1998). momentous vents, vivid memories. cambridge, ma: harvard.

    (lang) fivush, r., & nelson, l. (2004). culture and language in the emergence of autobiographical memory. psychological science, 15, 573-577.


    (social) ainsworth, m., & wittig, b. (1969). attachment and exploratory behavior of one eat olds in a strange situation. in b. m. foss (ed.). determinants of infant behavior, vol. 4. london: methuen.

    (social) rothbard, j.c., & shaver, p.r. (1994). continuity of attachments across the life span, in m.b. sperling & w.h. berman (eds.) attachment in adults: clinical and developmental perspectives (pp. 31-71). ny: guilford.

    (social) gewirtz, j.l., & pelaez-nogueras, m. (1992). skinner, b.f.: legacy to human infant behavior and development. american psychologist, 47, 1411-1422.

    sex differences

    (social) buss, d.m. (1995). psychological sex differences: origins through sexual selection. american psychologist, 50, 164-168.

    (social) bem, s.l. (1989). genital knowledge and gender constancy in preschool children. child development, 60, 649-662.


    (social) hetherington, e.m., bridges, m., & isabella, g.m. (1998). what matters: what does not?: five perspectives on the association between martial transitions and children’s adjustment. american psychologist, 53, 167-184.

    (social) amato, p.r. (2001). children of divorce in the 1990’s: an update of the amato and keith (1991) meta-analysis. journal of family psychology, 15, 355-370.

    language, innate

    (lang) chomsky, n. (1959). a review of b.f. skinner’s verbal behavior. language, 35, 26-129.

    (lang) mervis, c.b., gilinkoff, r.b., & bertrand, j. (1994). two year olds readily learn multiple labels for the same basic-level category. child development, 65, 1163-1177.

    language, environment

    (lang) nelson, k., hampson, j., & shaw, l.k. (1993). nouns in early lexicons: evidence, explanations, and implications. journal of child language, 20, 61-64.

    (lang) decasper, a.j., & spence, m.j. (1986). prenatal maternal speech influences newborns’ perception of speech sounds. infant behavior and development, 9, 133-150.

    (lang) fivush, r., & nelson, l. (2004). culture and language in the emergence of autobiographical memory. psychological science, 15, 573-577.

    (lang) gelman, s., coley, j.d., rosengren, k., hartman, e., & pappas, a. (1998). beyond labeling: the role of maternal input in the acquisition of richly structured categories. monographs of srcd, 62(1), serial no. 253.

    (lang) tomasello, m. (1995). language is not an instinct. cognitive development, 10, 131-156.

    (lang) tamis-lemonda, c., bornstein, m., athana-kalman, r., baumwell, l., & cyphers, l. (1998). predicting variation in the timing of language milestones in the second year: an events history approach. j. child language, 25, 675-700.

    language, grammar/rules

    (lang) berko, j. (1958). the child’s learning of english morphology. word, 14, 150-177.

    (lang) bialystok, e. (1988). levels of bilingualism and levels of metalinguistic awareness. developmental psychology, 24, 560-567.

    (lang) devilliers, p., & devilliers, j. (1982). language development. in m. bornstien & m. e. lamb (eds.), developmental psychology: an advanced textbook (3rd ed.) hillsdale, nj: erlbaum.

    (lang) gelman, s., coley, j.d., rosengren, k., hartman, e., & pappas, a. (1998). beyond labeling: the role of maternal input in the acquisition of richly structured categories. monographs of srcd, 62(1), serial no. 253. \

    (lang) nelson, k., hampson, j., & shaw, l.k. (1993). nouns in early lexicons: evidence, explanations, and implications. journal of child language, 20, 61-64.

    (lang) mervis, c.b., gilinkoff, r.b., & bertrand, j. (1994). two year olds readily learn multiple labels for the same basic-level category. child development, 65, 1163-1177.

    (lang) marcus, g., pinker, s., ullman, m., hollander, m., rosen, j.t., xu, f., & clahsen, h. (1992). overgeneralization in language acquisition. monographs of srcd, 57, (4, serial no. 228).
  • en geç kayıtlı olduğunuz doktora programının 5. döneminin sonunda birincisine, 8. döneminizin sonunda da ikincisine girmeniz beklenen; sosyal gelişim, bilişsel gelişim, dil gelişimi, araştırma metodları, ve teori ve kavramlar gibi ana başlıklardan sorumlu olduğunuz uzmanlık sınavlarıdır. fakat bu saydıklarım amerikan ekolüne göredir, avrupa'daki çoğu doktora programında yeterlik sınavı denilen şey yok, doktora tezinizin geçmesi yeterlik için yeterli bir gösterge, ki bence de öyle o ayrı mesele.

    ilk sınav, tabii yine dahil olduğunuz ekol ve okuluna göre de değişir ama, ortalama elli küsur makale, on beş kadar chapter ve dört ya da beş kitaptan oluşan bir okuma listesine tabidir. dört bin beş yüzle beş bin arası sayfaya denk geliyor. sizden beklenen okumaların ayrıntılarını hatırlamanız değil tabii ki, daha çok teorilere ne kadar hakimsiniz, bunun bir uzantısı ama ayrıntılı olarak bu verilen alanlardaki insan gelişimine dair devamlılık ve değişimlere ne kadar hakimsiniz, ve ne kadar literatürü de kullanarak özetleyici, toparlayıcı ve açıklayıcı yazabiliyorsunuz, bunları ölçer. yine okuluna göre değişir ama bizdeki usule göre, ilk sınavda size 6 soru ve 48 saat veriyorlar. tabii ki take home exam denilen eve götürdüğünüz ve istediğiniz kaynaktan yararlanabileceğiniz sınavlar, ama hani o saatten sonra herhangi bir kaynak açıp okumanın hiçbir anlamı yok, sadece aklınıza takılan şeyleri onaylamak için bakabilirsiniz, zira sordukları şey yorum sorusu olduğu için elinizdeki metinlerde birebir cevabı yok. yine okuluna ve sisteme göre değişir, bazı üniversitelerde sınavı geçemezseniz ikinci hakkınız var, bizde yok mesela, geçemezseniz ilişiğiniz 15gün içerisinde kesiliyor, yani programdan atılıyorsunuz.

    eğer birinci sınavı geçerseniz, ikinci yeterlik sınavına en geç 8. dönemin sonunda giriyorsunuz ancak bu kez doktora tezinizin konusu neyse, ilgili literatürden ibaret bir sınav. yani bir nevi tezinizin introduction kısmını oluşturan literatür taraması aradan çıkmış oluyor. bunun daha mantıklı olduğunu düşünüyorum, çünkü artık doktora yapan adamı tüm gelişim psikolojisi literatüründen sınava tabi tutmanın bir anlamı yok bence, zira araştırma alanınız olmayan şeylerle vakit kaybetmenizin anlamı yok; ikinci sınav bu yönüyle daha amaca yönelik. yine 6 soru-48 saat veriyorlar, ve bu sınavı da ikinci kez alış hakkınız yok. fakat sanıyorum doktora sonu olması nedenli insafa geldiklerinden, yeni bir sınava girme hakkınız yok ama bir rewrite yani almış olduğunuz sınavı yeniden yazma hakkı veriyorlar. bu ikinci aşamayı da geçerseniz karada ölüm yok zaten, doktoranızı almış sayılırsınız. doktora tezinizde büyük gerzoluk yapmadığınız sürece de, artık bu raddeye gelmiş adama programı bitirtiyorlar.
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