
  • osmanli imparatorlugunun avrupa devleti olarak kabul edildigi ilk resmi antlasmadir.
  • 3 mart 1856 tarihli ingiliz the manchester guardian gazetesi'nin sozkonusu antlasmanini imzalanmadan once devam eden paris konferansi ile ilgili haberi:

    "the paris correspondent of the times, in a letter, dated friday evening, says: -"a private letter from stockholm, of the 19th, received here yesterday, mentions that the russians were sending troops in considerable numbers to finland, concentrating a large force round st petersburg, and strengthening the barriers i have already mentioned near cronstadt, so as to completely close up the entrance. in the difficulty of obtaining authentic information of what really passes at the congress, the versions given out of doors will necessarily be received with caution. in spite of the secrecy with which the proceedings are carried on, something however occasionally transpires which serves to indicate more or less the turn affairs are taking. with reference to the first day's meeting it is again affirmed that among the other things a discussion took place on the rectification of the ottoman territory as comprised in the austrian conditions accepted by russia. count orloff, we are told, expressed a desire to make a few observations, tending to show that m. buol, if he was the minister who drew them up, was completely unacquainted with the topography of the place. with the map before him, he pointed out that mountainous chain, which was to be substituted for the pruth as the new frontier of moldovia, had hardly any existence except in the imagination of the vienna cabinet. that the mamelons, which would be a good frontier, only protected the austrian territory, but that from it to the sea there was nothing but plain. he said that the czar having accepted the four points, there was no intention of violating the word of his majesty, but that he was anxious to show with what want of reflection the condition fixing a new boundary had been drawn up. m. de buol defended his project as best as he could, and was answered by m. brunow, who, in a still longer speech, completed what his colleague had begun. again, with the reference to the armistice, it was urged - according to the same version - on behalf of the allies who are belligerents that it must not exclude the faculty of transporting troops and military stores from one point of the seat of operations to another. to this count orloff is said to have formally objected. an armistice meant a suspension of hostilities and a situation which shall continue the same from the beginning till the conclusion of the truce. the english, for instance, are complete masters of the sea, on which no russian flag can appear; they have an enormous fleet, and may at any time transport 50,000 men from the crimea to the baltic, and that consequently the advantages would be on one side, and all the disadvantages of immobility on the other. and he finished by urging that the conditions of an armistice could hardly be such as these. again, we are told that the ottoman plenipotentiary objected to the proposition of new institutions, favoured by england, for the danubian principalities, and to their union under one authority. this version i by no means vouch for, and i mention it rather because i find it pretty nearly the same in different quarters, than from any implicit belief on my part in its complete accuracy. i am aware that by some it is denied; but those from whom the denial most emphatically proceeds are the same who declare that everything is going on most satisfactorily and smoothly, so much so, indeed, that no one would suppose the russians seem only anxious to anticipate what is demanded of them in order to grant it, and that the conferences will reach their termination without the slightest dissension, and this i know to be untrue. the congress did not meet to-day. it met yesterday, however, and though nothing positive seems to have transpired, yet i have some reason to believe that it was something like what i indicated yesterday on the fifth point, and of a grave, not to say contentious character. some people pronounce the word "stormy", but this is going too far. we shall attain, no doubt, the object we have in view; but i think not without some struggle. the russians themselves are, as i have said, confident on a pacific solution; and the plenipotentiaries themselves do not discourage the hope, i believe the russians will consent, after some show of resistence, to everything demanded of them, with the exception of the demolition by their own hands of nicolaieff, which, however, they will change into a commercial port it required, and that of their ships. neither will they refuse to admit the consuls of foreign affairs. all that is said on the subject must be received with great caution. the interval which elapsed between and first and second sitting of the peace congress was employed not only in preparing and copying the minutes of the first meeting, but in deciding on the wording of the convention of armistice, which was to be signed in as many copies as there are contracting powers."
  • 6 aralik 1856 tarihli ingiliz news of the world gazetesi 31 mart'ta imzalanan anlasmanin kosullarini soyle duyurmus:

    "the members of the conference have still to perfect a number of secondary arrangements essential to the new state of relations to be established in the east. le nord says that the organisation of the principalities is one of these reserved subjects, and the debate points out as another the special regulations necessary for assuring the free navigation of the danube. it is alleged that the neutralisation of the black sea is satisfactorily provided by the treaty of paris.

    we are assured that nicolaieff - regarding which it was feared some quibble might be raised on the part of russia - is to share the fate of that power's other military arsenals on the euxine. it has also been stipulated that russia is to maintain no military establishments on the circassian coast. it rests with the governments of europe - and more especially with our own government, to take care that the treaty becomes a reality by the establishment of competent consuls in the black sea ports. this measure would give security to merchants, and prevent at all times the possibility of clandestine military musterings. there is reason to believe that the organisation of the danubian principalities is not touched upon in the treaty of paris. on this head a separate convention will be negotiated between turkey and the great powers. this is a matter of infinite delicacy; but the dictates of equity seem pretty clear, and the policy of england is to conform these dictates. the object of the war was to place on a secure foundation in the independence and integrity of the turkish empire; to repel armed aggression in the present, and to preclude (if possible) the mere insidious attacks of political intrigue in the future. to attain these ends, with reference to the principalities, it is requisite that their relations to the porte should remain unaltered in the essentials, and that the least possible encouragement should be afforded to the cabals and intrigues of foreigners. whether the provinces are to remain, as at present, under separate administrations or to be united, is a matter of indifference to all except the natives themselves and their lord paramount, the sultan. that question may safely be left their joint decision. but the question whether the office of hospodar is to be hereditary, or for life, is one upon which the great powers may be called in a mediatorial capacity to pronounce an opinion. the very equivocal success which has attended the establishment of a hereditary vice-royalty in egypt, is a painful warning to abstain from the experiment of making the office of hospodar hereditary in wallachia and moldavia. there is one preliminary step to the settlement of the danubian principalities which cannot be evaded or postponed - their evacuation by the austrian army."
  • tezimin konusu olan anlaşma. yeterli bilgiye ulaşınca mutlaka siz sözlük yazar ve okuyucularını bilgilendiririm.
  • rte denen kişiye sorulması gereken kazadır. şöyle bir geçmişe gider sorunu çözer.
  • general treaty of peace between great brıtaın,
    austrıa, france, prussıa, russıa, sardınıa, and
    turkey. sıgned at parıs, soth march, ı856. 1

    artıcle ı. from the day of the exchange of the ratifica-
    tions of the present treaty there shall be peace and friend-
    ship between her majesty the queen of the united kingdom
    of great britain and ıreland, his majesty the emperor of
    the french, his majesty the king of sardinia, his ımperial
    majesty the sultan, on the one part, and his majesty the
    emperor of all the russias, on the other part ; as well
    as between their heirs and successors, their respective
    dominions and subjects, in perpetuity.

    artıcle ıı. peace being happily re-established between
    their said majesties, the territories conquered or occupied
    by their armies during the war shall be reciprocally

    special arrangements shall regulate the mode of the
    evacuation, which shall be as prompt as possible.

    artıcle ııı. his majesty the emperor of all the
    russias engages to restore to his majesty the sultan the
    town and citadel of kars, as well as the other parts of
    the ottoman territory of which the russian troops are in

    artıcle ıv. their majesties the queen of the united
    kingdom of great britain and ıreland, the emperor of
    the french, the king of sardinia, and the sultan, engage
    to restore to his majesty the emperor of all the russias,
    the towns and ports of sebastopol, balaklava, kamiesch,
    eupatoria, kertcb, jenikale, kinburn, as well as all other
    territories occupied by the allied troops.

    artıcle v. their majesties the queen of the united
    kingdom of great britain and ıreland, the emperor of
    the french, the emperor of all the russias, the king of
    sardinia, and the sultan, grant a full and entire amnesty
    to those of their subjects who may have been compromised
    by any participation whatsoever in the events of the war
    in favour of the cause of the enemy.

    ıt is expressly understood that such amnesty shall
    extend to the subjects of each of the belligerent parties
    who may have continued, during the war, to be employed
    in the service of one of the other belligerents.

    artıcle vı. prisoners of war shall be immediately
    given up on either side.

    artıcle vıı. her majesty the queen of the united
    kingdom of great britain and ıreland, his majesty the
    emperor of austria, his majesty the emperor of the
    french, his majesty the king of prussia, his majesty the
    emperor of all the russias, and his majesty the king
    of sardinia, declare the sublime porte admitted to par-
    ticipate in the advantages of the public law and system
    (concert) of europe. their majesties engage, each on his
    part, to respect the ındependence and the territorial
    ıntegrity of the ottoman empire ; guarantee in common
    the strict observance of that engagement ; and will, in
    consequence, consider any act tending to its violation as
    a question of general interest.

    artıcle vııı. ıf there should arise between the sub-
    lime porte and one or more of the other signing powers,
    any misunderstanding which might endanger the main-
    tenance of their relations, the sublime porte, and each of
    such powers, before having recourse to the use of force,
    shall afford the other contracting parties the opportunity
    of preventing such an extremity by means of their media-

    artıcle ıx. his ımperial majesty the sultan having,
    in his constant solicitude for the welfare of his subjects,
    issued a firman, which, while ameliorating then* condition
    without distinction of religion or of race, records his
    generous intentions towards the christian population of
    his empire, and wishing to give a further proof of his
    sentiments in that respect, has resolved to communicate
    to the contracting parties the said firman, emanating
    spontaneously from his sovereign will.

    the contracting powers recognise the high value of this
    communication. ıt is clearly understood that it cannot,
    in any case, give to the said powers the right to interfere,
    either collectively or separately, in the relations of his
    majesty the sultan with his subjects, nor in the ınternal
    administration of his empire.

    artıcle x. the convention of i3th of july, 1841,
    which maintains the ancient rule of the ottoman empire
    relative to the closing of the straits of the bosphorus and
    of dardanelles, has been revised by common consent.

    the act concluded for that purpose, and in conformity
    with that principle, between the high contracting parties,
    is and remains annexed to the present treaty, and shall
    have the same force and validity as if it formed an integral
    part thereof.

    artıcle xı. the black sea is neutralised ; its waters
    and its ports, thrown open to the mercantile marine of
    every nation, are formally and in perpetuity interdicted
    to the flag of war, either of the powers possessing its
    coasts, or of any other power, with the exceptions men-
    tioned in articles xıv and xıx of the present treaty.

    artıcle xıı. free from any impediment, the commerce
    in the ports and waters of the black sea shall be subject
    only to regulations of health, customs, and police, framed
    in a spirit favourable to the development of commercial

    ın order to afford to the commercial and maritime
    interests of every nation the security which is desired,
    russia and the sublime porte will admit consuls into
    their ports situated upon the coast of the black sea, in
    conformity with the principles of ınternational law.

    artıcle xııı. the black sea being neutralised accord-
    ing to the terms of article xı, the maintenance or estab-
    lishment upon its coast of military-maritime arsenals
    becomes alike unnecessary and purposeless ; in con-
    sequence, his majesty the emperor of all the russias,
    and his ımperial majesty the sultan, engage not to
    establish or to maintain upon that coast any military-
    maritime arsenal.

    artıcle xıv. their majesties the emperor of all the
    russias and the sultan having concluded a convention
    for the purpose of settling the force and the number of
    light vessels, necessary for the service of their coasts,
    which they reserve to themselves to maintain in the black
    sea, that convention is annexed to the present treaty,
    and shall have the same force and validity as if it formed
    an integral part thereof. ıt cannot be either annulled or
    modified without the assent of the powers signing the
    present treaty.

    artıcle xv. the act of the congress of vienna,
    having established the principles intended to regulate the
    navigation of rivers which separate or traverse different
    states, the contracting powers stipulate among them-
    selves that those principles shall in future be equally
    applied to the danube and its mouths. they declare that
    its arrangement henceforth forms a part of the public law
    of europe, and take it under their guarantee.

    the navigation of the danube cannot be subjected to
    any impediment or charge not expressly provided for by
    the stipulations contained in the following articles: in
    consequence, there shall not be levied any toll founded
    solely upon the fact of the navigation of the river, nor
    any duty upon the goods which may be on board of
    vessels. the regulations of police and of quarantine to
    be established for the safety of the states separated or
    traversed by that river, shall be so framed as to facilitate,
    as much as possible, the passage of vessels. with the
    exception of such regulations, no obstacle whatever shall
    be opposed to free navigation.

    artıcle xvı. with a view to carry out the arrange-
    ments of the preceding article, a commission, in which
    great britain, austria, france, prussia, russia, sardinia,
    and turkey, shall each be represented by one delegate,
    shall be charged to designate and to cause to be executed
    the works necessary below ısatcha, to clear the mouths
    of the danube, as well as the neighbouring parts of the
    sea, from the sands and other impediments which obstruct
    them, in order to put that part of the river and the said
    parts of the sea in the best possible state for navigation.

    ın order to cover the expenses of such works, as well
    as of the establishments intended to secure and to facilitate
    the navigation at the mouths of the danube, fixed duties,
    of a suitable rate, settled by the commission by a majority
    of votes, may be levied, on the express condition that, in
    this respect as in every other, the flags of all nations shall
    be treated on the footing of perfect equality.

    artıcle xvıı. a commission shall be established, and
    shall be composed of delegates of austria, bavaria, the
    sublime porte, and wurtemberg (one for each of those
    powers), to whom shall be added commissioners from the
    three danubian principalities, whose nomination shall
    have been approved by the porte. this commission,
    which shall be permanent : i. shall prepare regulations
    of navigation and river police ; 2. shall remove the
    impediments, of whatever nature they may be, which still
    prevent the application to the danube of the arrangements
    of the treaty of vienna ; 3. shall order and cause to be
    executed the necessary works throughout the whole course
    of the river ; and 4. shall, after the dissolution of the
    european commission, see to maintaining the mouths of
    the danube and the neighbouring parts of the sea in
    a navigable state.

    artıcle xvııı. ıt is understood that the european
    commission shall have completed its task, and that the
    river commission shall have finished the works described
    in the preceding article, under nos. i and 2, within the
    period of two years. the signing powers assembled in
    conference having been informed of that fact, shall, after
    having placed it on record, pronounce the dissolution of
    the european commission, and from that time the per-
    manent river commission shall enjoy the same powers as
    those with which the european commission shall have
    until then been invested.

    artıcle xıx. ın order to insure the execution of the
    regulations which shall have been established by common
    agreement, in conformity with the principles above declared,
    each of the contracting powers shall have the right to
    station, at all times, two light vessels at the mouths of
    the danube.

    artıcle xx. ın exchange for the towns, ports, and
    territories enumerated in article ıv of the present treaty,
    and in order more fully to secure the freedom of the
    navigation of the danube, his majesty the emperor of
    all the russias consents to the rectification of his frontier
    in bessarabia.

    the new frontier shall begin from the black sea, one
    kilometre to the east of the lake bourna sola, shall run
    perpendicularly to the akerman road, shall follow that
    road to the val de trajan, pass to the south of bolgrad,
    ascend the course of the river yalpuck to the height of
    saratsika, and terminate at katamori on the pruth.
    above that point the old frontier between the two empires
    shall not undergo any modification.

    delegates of the contracting powers shall fix, in its
    details, the line of the new frontier.

    artıcle xxı. the territory ceded by russia shall be
    annexed to the principality of moldavia, under the
    suzerainty of the sublime porte.

    the ınhabitants of that territory shall enjoy the rights
    and privileges secured to the principalities ; and during
    the space of 3 years, they shall be permitted to trans-
    fer their domicile elsewhere, disposing freely of their

    artıcle xxıı. the principalities of wallachia and
    moldavia shall continue to enjoy under the suzerainty of
    the porte, and under the guarantee of the contracting
    powers, the privileges and ımmunities of which they are
    in possession. no exclusive protection shall be exercised
    over them by any of the guaranteeing powers.

    there shall be no separate right of interference in their
    ınternal affairs.

    artıcle xxııı. the sublime porte engages to preserve
    to the said principalities an ındependent and national
    administration, as well as full liberty of worship, of
    legislation, of commerce, and of navigation.

    the laws and statutes at present in force shall be
    revised. ın order to establish a complete agreement in
    regard to such revision, a special commission, as to the
    composition of which the high contracting powers will
    come to an understanding among themselves, shall assemble -,
    without delay, at bucharest, together with a commissioner
    of the sublime porte.

    the business of this commission shall be to investigate
    the present state of the principalities, and to propose bases
    for their future organization.

    artıcle xxıv. his majesty the sultan promises to
    convoke immediately in each of the two provinces a divan
    ad hoc, composed in such a manner as to represent most
    closely the interests of all classes of society. these divans
    shall be called upon to express the wishes of the people
    in regard to the definitive organization of the principalities.

    an ınstruction from the congress shall regulate the
    relations between the commission and these divans.

    artıcle xxv. taking into consideration the opinion
    expressed by the two divans, the commission shall transmit,
    without delay, to the present seat of the conferences, the
    result of its own labours.

    the final agreement with the suzerain power shall be
    recorded in a convention to be concluded at paris between
    the high contracting parties ; and a hatti-sheriff , in
    conformity with the stipulations of the convention, shall
    constitute definitively the organization of those provinces,
    placed thenceforward under the collective guarantee of all
    the signing powers.

    artıcle xxvı. ıt is agreed that there shall be in the
    principalities a national armed force, organized with the
    view to maintain the security of the interior, and to ensure
    that of the frontiers. no impediment shall be opposed to
    the extraordinary measures of defence which, by agree-
    ment with the sublime porte, they may be called upon to
    take in order to repel any external aggression.

    artıcle xxvıı. ıf the ınternal tranquillity of the
    principalities should be menaced or compromised, the
    sublime porte shall come to an understanding with the
    other contracting powers in regard to the measures to be
    taken for maintaining or re-establishing legal order.

    no armed ıntervention can take place without previous
    agreement between those powers.

    artıcle xxvııı. the principality of servia shall
    continue to hold of the sublime porte, in conformity with
    the ımperial hats which fix and determine its rights and
    ımmunities, placed henceforward under the collective
    guarantee of the contracting powers.

    ın consequence, the said principality shall preserve its
    ındependent and national administration, as well as full
    liberty of worship, of legislation, of commerce, and of

    artıcle xxıx. the right of garrison of the sublime
    porte, as stipulated by anterior regulations, is maintained.
    no armed ıntervention can take place in servia without
    previous agreement between the high contracting powers.

    artıcle xxx. his majesty the emperor of all the
    russias and his majesty the sultan maintain in its ıntegrity
    the state of their possessions in asia such as it legally
    existed before the rupture.

    ın order to prevent all local dispute the line of frontier
    shall be verified, and, if necessary, rectified, without any
    prejudice as regards territory being sustained by either

    for this purpose a mixed commission, composed of two
    russian commissioners, two ottoman commissioners, one
    english commissioner, and one french commissioner,
    shall be sent to the spot immediately after the re-establish-
    ment of diplomatic relations between the court of russia
    and the sublime porte. ıts labours shall be completed
    within the period of 8 months after the exchange of the
    ratifications of the present treaty.

    artıcle xxxı. the territories occupied during the
    war by the troops of their majesties the queen of the
    united kingdom of great britain and ıreland, the emperor
    of austria, the emperor of the french, and the king of
    sardinia, according to the terms of the conventions signed
    at constantinople on the ı2th of march, 1854, between
    great britain, france, and the sublime porte ; on the
    ı4th of june of the same year, between austria and the
    sublime porte ; and on the ı5th of march, 1855, between
    sardinia and the sublime porte ; shall be evacuated as
    soon as possible after the exchange of the ratifications of
    the present treaty. the periods and the means of execution
    shall form the object of an arrangement between the
    sublime porte and the powers whose troops have occupied
    its territory.

    artıcle xxxıı. until the treaties or conventions
    which existed before the war between the belligerent
    powers have been either renewed or replaced by new acts,
    commerce of importation or of exportation shall take place
    reciprocally on the footing of the regulations in force
    before the war ; and in all other matters their subjects
    shall be respectively treated upon the footing of the most
    favoured nation.

    artıcle xxxııı. the convention concluded this day
    between their majesties the queen of the united kingdom
    of great britain and ıreland, the emperor of the french,
    on the one part, and his majesty the emperor of all the
    russias on the other part, respecting the aland ıslands, is
    and remains annexed to the present treaty, and shall
    have the same force and validity as if it formed a part

    artıcle xxxıv. the present treaty shall be ratified,
    and the ratifications shall be exchanged at paris in the
    space of 4 weeks, or sooner if possible.

    ın witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have
    signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seal of their

    done at paris, the 3oth day of the month of march, in
    the year 1856.

    (l.s.) clarendon.

    (l.s.) cowley.

    (l.s.) buol-schauensteın.

    (l.s.) hubner.

    (l.s.) a. walewskı.

    (l.s.) bourqueney.

    (l.s.) manteuffel.

    (l.s.) c. m. d'hatzfeldt.

    (l.s.) orloff.

    (l.s.) brunnow.

    (l.s.) c. cavour.

    (l.s.) de vıllamarına.

    (l.s.) aalı.

    (l.s.) mehemmed djemıl.

    conventıon between great brıtaın, austrıa, france,
    prussıa, russıa, and sardınıa, on the one part,
    and the sultan, on the other part, respectıng
    the straıts of the dardanelles and of the
    bosphorus. sıgned at parıs, soth march, ı856. 1

    artıcle ı. his majesty the sultan, on the one part,
    declares that he is firmly resolved to maintain for the future
    the principle invariably established as the ancient rule of
    his empire, and in virtue of which it has, at all tunes,
    been prohibited for the ships of war of foreign powers to
    enter the straits of the dardanelles and of the bosphorus;
    and that, so long as the porte is at peace, his majesty will
    admit no foreign ship of war into the said straits.

    and their majesties the queen of the united kingdom
    of great britain and ıreland, the emperor of austria, the
    emperor of the french, the king of prussia, the emperor
    of all the russias, and the king of sardinia, on the other
    part, engage to respect this determination of the sultan,
    and to conform themselves to the principle above declared.

    artıcle ıı. the sultan reserves to himself, as in past
    times, to deliver firmans of passage for light vessels
    under flag of war, which shall be employed, as is usual in
    the service of the missions of foreign powers.

    artıcle ııı. the same exception applies to the light
    vessels under flag of war, which each of the contracting
    powers is authorised to station at the mouths of the
    danube in order to secure the execution of the regulations
    relative to the liberty of that river, and the number of
    which is not to exceed two for each power.

    declaratıon sıgned by the plenıpotentıarıes of
    great brıtaın, austrıa, france, prussıa, russıa,
    sardınıa, and turkey, respectıng marıtıme law.
    parıs, i6th aprıl, ı856. 1


    1. privateering is, and remains abolished ;

    neutral flag.

    2. the neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the
    exception of contraband of war ;

    neutral goods.

    3. neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of
    war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag ;


    4. blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective,
    that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to
    prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

  • 93 harbinde avrupa devletlerinin yardım edeceğini öngören rusya, hızlı bir zafer almaya çalışmıştır. avrupa 1856 sonrası, osmanlı tarafından bastırılan hristiyan ulusçu isyanlardan dolayı osmanlı'yı öteki görse de rusya yine de avrupanın işe karışmasından çekinmektedir.

    avrupanın derdi, osmanlı'yı kurtarmak değil. güçlü ve yüzbinlerce kişiden oluşan kara ordusuna sahip rusya'yı anadolu'ya inmekten alıkoymaktı. bu yüzden rusya abdülhamit'in savaştaki rezaletlerine rağmen istediği kadar iyi bir anlaşma imzalayamamıştır.

    istanbul'a buraya geldik anlamına gelen anıt dikip gitmiştir. bu anıt da 1.dünya savaşı'nda itc tarafından yıkılmıştır.
  • ortada aynı ingiltere ve aynı rusya varken neden, 1856 kırım savaşında askeriyle, yivli mermili tüfekleriyle gelip ruslarla savaşan ingilizler *, 1877'deki 93 harbinde gelip yanımızda aslında önümüzde ruslarla cenk etmemişlerdir? elbette bunun nedeni kura çekip çıkan sonuca göre hareket etmeleri değildir. iki savaş arasında geçen 20 yılda ingilizler için rusların sıcak denizlere erişmesinden daha öncelikli başka bir sorun ortaya çıkmıştır. almanların orta karar bir devletten ingiltereye kafa tutacak bir güç haline geldikleri 1870 sedan savaşında anlaşılmıştır. almanların denkleme süper güç olarak dahil olmaları dengeleri değiştirmiş ve yeni bir dengenin oluşması için de 1. dünya savaşına gidilmiştir.

    bu konuları başka nedenlerle detaylarıyla anlatmaya çalıştığım yazılar için; #91250445 #89114415
  • batılıların da dahil olması nedeniyle, hakkında pek çok kaynağın olduğu savaşlardan ilki. hakkında yazılmış çok detaylı kitaplar falan vardır
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