• anlami beautiful springtime olan, ikiyuz yil once ya$ami$ çinli bir kadin.
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    about two hundred years ago, there lived in china a beautiful young woman whose name was yim wing chun. her name suited her admirably, since it meant "beautiful springtime." she was the daughter of a food merchant, who sold bean curd from a market stand. she was betrothed to the man she loved, leong bok chao. her father, however, could not resist boasting of her beauty and gentle character. one day, news of this beautiful maiden came to the ears of an infamous warlord of the yunan province. he journeyed to her town, and upon seeing her, was immediately struck with a consuming desire to possess her, and, as often the way with rogues, decided to get his way by force. he ordered wing chun's father to his camp and told him that unless the maiden was given to him in marriage, he would kill them both.

    the father, his heart full of fear and confusion, and horrified at the warlord's cruel tactics, left the warlord's encampment to return home to tell his lovely daughter of her fate. there seemed to be no alternative, since the rogue was well known for his brutal atrocities and powerful gang of bandits.

    calling young wing chun to him, the father told her of the warlord's ultimatum.

    "your name will be honored in our family and you will be esteemed as a revered ancestor", he said, struggling for words to make the idea more palatable. "who knows, you may be able to soften the warlord's heart and maintain yourself with pride as his wife, if not with the love i know you have for leong bok chao.

    the maiden was at first simply shocked speechless at the demand, but soon her mind tired of imagining impossible plans for escape. she settled into a dulled acquiescence. however, date, or the tao, or kimset, or whatever force rules the moments of chance encounters in our lives, intervened. while working at the food stand, she met a shaolin nun, ng mui. the nun asked the young woman what was troubling her and soon wing chun found herself unburdening herself to the nun.

    ng mui was a shaolin nun, who had lived for many years in the great southern temple of fukien. some years earlier, this refuge of the contemplative life had been destroyed during a rebellion against the manchu dynasty. ng mui was one of the few that had escaped the holocaust. she was an adept of the shaolin fighting arts of dragon and crane. these arts had been developed to allow the priests and nuns to protect themselves from wild animals and wilder men, who would seek to destroy the peaceful way of the shaolin order.

    when ng mui heard of the dilemma that wing chun found herself in, the nun sat quietly in meditation, thinking of a way which, in accord with shaolin principles, would cause the least pain and hurt to all. how could bloodshed be avoided? how was the young woman to avoid becoming a sacrifice to the lustful appetites of the warlord?

    "where is your betrothed?" ng mui asked at last, opening her eyes.

    "he is on a journey to the south, to fukien, and has been delayed by the civil disturbances which caused the burning of your temple", wing chun answered, as she said with bowed head and overburdened heart. "there is no way to reach him in time, and even if i could, i would not save myself by his death at the warlord's hands. yet i fear that he will attempt to rescue me when he hears and will die and perhaps cause my father to die, in an attempt to rescue me."

    "there is perhaps a way to avoid this death and destruction", the nun said quietly. "it will demand great courage on your part. if we can delay the wedding to the warlord for a while, i can teach you how to defeat him in single unarmed combat. first, would you be willing to face him in battle?", she asked?

    "better that i should die than others for my sake. besides, it would be worth it just to try something."

    "it is well. now we must devise a stratagem to delay the warlord's demands for a year and then pique his pride by announcing that you have sworn not to marry any man who cannot defeat you in combat. being a boastful braggart, he will not want to appear to fear you and will agree to the duel. your father must tell the warlord that that you have agreed to his demands but ask a delay while a letter is sent to leong bok chao, formally breaking your existing betrothal. since the country is in such turmoil, a year is not an unreasonable length of time," the nun explained. "he will also believe that preparations for such a grand ceremony will be lengthy."

    all went exactly as the nun predicted. the warlord granted the delay of a year, certain of possessing wing chun at the end of that time.

    wing chun and ng mui left town for the nun's training place at pah noh temple. ng mui drilled the young woman daily for a year on the shaolin techniques of unarmed combat, concentrating on those which were most direct, effective, and useful to women. she taught her how to neutralize any incoming blows without extending herself off balance beyond her reach. she showed her how to redirect the opponent's force so that the harder someone tried to hit her, the more devastating would be the return blow.

    the year passed and the two women returned to town. now the second phase of the plan went into operation, as the father went to the warlord and told him that his daughter had studied kung fu since childhood and would feel humiliated to marry someone not her equal in hand to hand combat.

    the warlord agreed to the duel with much laughter and lewd comment.

    "a spirited woman is more interesting to tame", he snickered.

    on the day of the duel, the hopeful bridegroom, magnificently dressed in silks, stepped into the village square, ready to inflict public humiliation on his bride-to-be. wing chun stepped forward, clad in sober black tunic and trousers. the warlord, shouting to his entourage, aggressively charged wing chun, intending to knock her unconscious with his fists. she evaded his attack and returned his force against him, knocking him down. getting up, he charged her again. the harder he attacked, the harder he fell when she hit him. finally, bruised and bloodied, the warlord dragged himself away from the young woman who had barely moved from her initial stance. humiliated and defeated, he was borne away by his gang.

    the victorious young woman left the town with ng mui for kwon how temple in kwantung province, where she awaited the arrival of her beloved leong bok chao. there they celebrated their long-delayed marriage, with ng mui's blessings. in later years, wing chun taught her husband what she had learned, and he in turn taught others this gentle art of life, now named wing chun in honor of the courageous young woman who first used it in her desperate gamble for happiness.

    (bkz: wing chun)
    (bkz: kung fu stilleri)
  • bayan yim wing tsun, annesinin vefatından sonra bir shao lin talebesi olan babası yim yee ile kwangtung eyaletinde yaşıyordu. daha çok küçük yaşta iken zamanın geleneklerine göre bir tuz tüccarı olan leung bok chau’ya sözlenmişti. (bizim kültürümüzdeki beşik kertmesine benzer bir sözlenme.) yim yee bir olaya karışmış ve haklı olduğu halde tutuklanmıştı. bunun üzerine kaçan yee, kızını da alarak szechwan ve yunnan eyaletleri sınırındaki tai leung dağı eteklerine yerleşti.

    zaman ilerledikçe yim wing tsun gelişip serpildi ve bu cazibesi ona problemler getirmeye başladı. onun için hayat her geçen gün çetrefilli bir hal alıyordu. bu sınır boyunda kanunların iyi uygulanamaması nedeniyle, dövüş sanatlarında iyi olan ve kötü karakteriyle nam salmış wong soyadı ile bilinen bir kişi kendi borusunu öttürüyordu. wing tsun’un güzelliğinden etkilenen wong, ona kendisiyle evlenme teklifi yapması için birilerini gönderdi, ama aynı zamanda wing tsun bu evlenme teklifini kabul etmezse evlenme zamanını kendisinin seçeceğini ve zorla da olsa onunla evleneceği şeklinde tehdit etti. wing tsun’un babası ihtiyar ve kendisi de güçsüzdü. bu nedenle endişelenmeye başlamışlardı. her geçen gün de endişeleri büyüyor ve ne yapacaklarını bilmez halde bir çıkmaza giriyorlardı.

    aynı vakitlerde beyaz turna tapınağında yaşayan, rahibe ng mui ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak maksadıyla ayda birkaç kez köyün pazar yerine geliyordu.yim yee’nin tezgahının önünden her geçişinde ondan fasulye falan alıyordu ve bu yolla tanışmışlardı. yine bir gün alışverişe geldiği sırada baba-kızın bakışlarında gariplik olduğunu sezdi. ng mui’nin ricası üzerine bütün dertlerini ona anlattılar. onların bu samimi itirafı, ng mui’nin içindeki adalet duygularını kabarttı. onlara yardım aklına etmeyi koydu, fakat bunu kendisi yapmayacaktı. çünkü kendi kimliğini belli etmiş olur ve ayrıca ünlü bir dövüşçü olan ng mui için bir uzak köyde bilinmeyen birisiyle dövüşmek yakışık almazdı. aklına bir fikir geldi. bu fikir, wing tsun’u yanına alıp, ona kendi yeni dövüş sanatını öğretmekti. dövüş sanatları, wing tsun’a babası da bir dövüşçü olduğundan çok yeni bir kavram değildi. ama wing tsun, o ana kadar öğrenme ihtiyacı hissetmemişti. yetenekli bir hocanın kişisel rehberliği, kendisinin sıkı çalışması ve aklı sayesinde üç yıl gibi bir sürede ng mui’den dövüşmeyi öğrendi.

    bir gün ng mui, wing tsun’a onun yeni kung-fu sistemini öğrendiğini ve artık köyüne geri dönüp problemi ile ilgilenebileceğini söyledi. daha dağdan iner inmez evvelinde ona asılan kişi yine rahatsız etmeye başladı. ama bu sefer wing tsun kaçmak yerine onu dövüşmeye davet etti. vatandaş şaşırdı ama wong kedi gücüne ve wing tsun’u kolayca yenebileceğine inandığı ve kolay yoldan bir de kadın elde edebileceğini de hesaplayarak bu meydan okumayı kabul etti. ancak, wing tsun tarafından aciz bir şekilde knock-out edildi ve bir daha onu rahatsız etmeye cesaret edemedi.

    wing tsun bu dövüşten sonra pratik yapmaya devam etti. diğer taraftan tai leung dağı’nda hayatını çok monoton bulan ng mui, wing tsun’a bu sistemi devam ettirmesini ve değersiz kişilerin öğrenmemesi için uygun halefler bulmasını tembihleyerek diğer yerleri gezmek ve dünyayı daha yakından tanımak için oradan ayrıldı.

    kaynak: http://www.awte.org/
  • çok komik bir feminist kung fu filmi de var. dünyanın en iyi kalpli kötü adamlarını barındırıyor.
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