10 entry daha
  • uzak kalmak zorunda olduğu uyuşturucu canavarı/kahramanıyla şöyle bir diyalog geçen fake dj frank karakterinin hikayesinin anlatıldığı, öylesine karşınıza çıkabilen ve çok eğlendiren mockumentary:

    --- spoiler ---

    i'm actually thinking about
    giving it a bit of a break.
    of course i fucking love you
    how can you say that?
    i just think we don't necessarily
    bring out the best in each other
    not always the best thing for me.
    it's my problem.
    it's not your problem
    you know what i mean? why can't we
    just be mates for a little bit?
    i could just give you a ring
    every few weeks, you know?
    just make it a little bit more casual.
    couldn't we do that?

    --- spoiler ---
9 entry daha
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