48 entry daha
  • fanatiklikten vazife çıkarıp alaylı olarak yürüttüğü editörlük işinde coşup cozutmuş olan annie wilkes'ın paul sheldon'a yaşattığı ıstırap. yazarın kendi kitabıyla sefil olma kâbusu.

    --- spoiler ---
    annie wilkes: it's the swearing, paul. it has no nobility.
    paul sheldon: these are slum kids, i was a slum kid. everybody talks like that.
    annie wilkes: (hönkürerek) they do not! at the feedstore do i say, "oh, now wally, give me a bag of that fin' pig feed, and a pound of that bitchly cow corn"? at the bank do i say, "oh, mrs. malenger, here is one big bastard of a check, now give me some of your christ-ing money!" (daha da fena hönkürerek) there, look there, now see what you made me do!
    --- spoiler ---
131 entry daha
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