1 entry daha
  • sırf trailerinden yola çıkarak konuşmak gerekirse eğer; cillop gibi bir zombi filmi geliyor diyebiliriz.

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    "it's been 5 years since the outbreak that wiped out 85% of the world's population, but the war between re-animates (re-ans) and humans wages on. most of the major cities are still uninhabitable. within the few surviving cities, the re-ans have been segregated into "zones" and are policed by the r-division of the quasi s.w.a.t. unit who hunt to re-kill the re-ans in the hope of quelling a second outbreak."
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    diye özetlemişler konusunu. okuyunca akla hemen bişeyler geliyor gerçi ama film pek de fena olmayacak gibi.
    zannedersem tek eksiğimiz yeni bir zombi filmiydi. izleyip göreceğiz garik.
1 entry daha
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