2 entry daha
  • mirc 6.03 versionundaki fotografinda mavi gozlu cikmis olan ibne. (daha once siyahti, kesin siyahti)
  • mirc'i her actigim durumda, keyfim de yerindeyse, "ooo mardam bey mardam bey!" diye kendisine seslendigim kisi.
  • kendisi hakkinda da birseyler serpistirmistir mirc'in help dosyalarinin icine. mirc'in basinda cikan kutucuktaki author butonuna tiklandiginda karsimiza cikmaktadir bu yazi. iste butun ciplakligi ile mardam bey'in dedikleri;

    the author

    one day, seven years ago, in a small, quiet room by myself, i stood in front of a canvas, picked up a brush, and began to work on a painting, dabbing here and there, not really knowing what i was going to create, or how.

    a few years later, i put my brush down for a moment to pause for breath, look around, and find that i'm now in a different room, a much bigger one, filled with all kinds of people, with colors and sounds, and with other paintings, bigger and smaller than mine; some of the people are standing in front of me, close to my canvas, touching and smudging it, others are behind me looking at my painting from a distance; some are standing right next to me, telling me which colors to use or how to hold my brush, and criticising me whenever i make a mistake, and a few are working on parts of the painting all by themselves.

    mirc is still a personal work for me, and i think i've managed to keep working on it in the same spirit as when it all started; a mixture of fun, learning, and contribution. i've spent the last few years being part of a remarkable community made up of people from all over our planet, and that, in no small way, is part of what has kept me enjoying it, and believing in it.

    it hasn't been easy reconciling mirc as a personal work with its public use; i've had to learn to treat some aspects of it impersonally, which i'm not happy about, eg. i now use a pre-written reply to emails that ask the most common questions; if i tried to answer every email, i'd have little time for anything else.

    i've also had to learn to accept criticism, which is hard for something that's personal; but mirc wouldn't be where it is today without help from many people over the years.

    i still enjoy working on mirc, i am a bit more tired now but i think there may be a year or two left in me yet. i still get nervous before releasing a new version, which is probably a good sign :-) i hope you enjoy it.

    i hope that mirc has, in some way, helped to make the world a smaller, better place.

20 entry daha
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