
  • neoloji uzerine gosterebilecegimiz bir ornek. charles krauthammer tarafindan ortaya atilan bir terim.
    terim/yakistirma/ amerikan siyasetinde ilk kez 2003 yilinda " bush derangement syndrome " olarak karsimiza cikiyor.

    washington post'un başyazarı olan charles krauthammer ayni zamanda bir psikiyatrist. krauthammer liberallerin george w. bush ve politikalarına verdiği tepkiyi oylesine abartilmis bir yaklasim olarak goruyor ki, bu asagilayici,(bkz: derogatory) bazen nefret yansitan tavrin bir nevi ikincil mani (secondary mania ) kadar benzestigini ifade ediyor. ve yakistirmasi icin soyle diyor washington post sutununda ;
    "" bush derangement syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of george w. bush. "" (bunu kabaca tercume edersek su anlama geliyor ;
    " bush düzensizliği sendromu /bush derangement syndrome! normal insanlarin bush politikalarina, siyasetine, bush'un baskanligina gosterdikleri tepkilerdir.
    -- hayir -- hatta bilfiil bush'un kendisine, varligina yonelik akut paranoyadir! "

    ve daha sonralari siyaset dunyasi bu terimi "liberal paranoyasi "olrak gayet tanidik simalara "madalya" gibi takistirdilar. bunlarin en afillisi de trump'a ait olan ""trump densizliği sendromu'dur"""


    obama derangement syndrome
    clinton derangement syndrome
    cheney derangement syndrome
    palin derangement syndrome
    gore derangement syndrome
    fox news derangement syndrome
    beck derangement syndrome
    acorn derangement syndrome
    darwin derangement syndrome
    koch derangement syndrome
    derangement syndrome syndrome
    trump derangement syndrome

    (bkz: https://rationalwiki.org/…bush_derangement_syndrome)
  • ""diane rehm: "why do you think he [bush] is suppressing that [sept. 11] report?"

    howard dean: "ı don't know. there are many theories about it. the most interesting theory that ı've heard so far -- which is nothing more than a theory, it can't be proved -- is that he was warned ahead of time by the saudis. now who knows what the real situation is?"

    -- "the diane rehm show," npr, dec. 1

    ıt has been 25 years since ı discovered a psychiatric syndrome (for the record: "secondary mania," archives of general psychiatry, november 1978), and in the interim ı haven't been looking for new ones. but it's time to don the white coat again. a plague is abroad in the land.

    bush derangement syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of george w. bush. now, ı cannot testify to howard dean's sanity before this campaign, but five terms as governor by a man with no visible tics and no history of involuntary confinement is pretty good evidence of a normal mental status. when he avers, however, that "the most interesting" theory as to why the president is "suppressing" the sept. 11 report is that bush knew about sept. 11 in advance, it's time to check on thorazine supplies. when rep. cynthia mckinney (d-ga.) first broached this idea before the 2002 primary election, it was considered so nutty it helped make her former representative mckinney. today the democratic presidential front-runner professes agnosticism as to whether the president of the united states was tipped off about 9/11 by the saudis, and it goes unnoticed. the virus is spreading.

    ıt is, of course, epidemic in new york's upper west side and the tonier parts of los angeles, where the very sight of the president -- say, smiling while holding a tray of thanksgiving turkey in a baghdad mess hall -- caused dozens of cases of apoplexy in otherwise healthy adults. what is worrying epidemiologists about the dean incident, however, is that heretofore no case had been reported in vermont, or any other dairy state.

    moreover, dean is very smart. until now, bush derangement syndrome (bds) had generally struck people with previously compromised intellectual immune systems. hence its prevalence in hollywood. barbra streisand, for example, wrote her famous september 2002 memo to dick gephardt warning that the president was dragging us toward war to satisfy, among the usual corporate malefactors who "clearly have much to gain if we go to war against ıraq," the logging industry -- timber being a major industry in a country that is two-thirds desert.

    ıt is true that bds has struck some pretty smart guys -- bill moyers ranting about a "right-wing wrecking crew" engaged in "a deliberate, intentional destruction of the united states way of governing" and new york times columnist paul krugman, whose recent book attacks the president so virulently that krugman's british publisher saw fit to adorn the cover with images of vice president cheney in a hitler-like mustache and bush stitched up like frankenstein. nonetheless, some observers took that to be satire; others wrote off moyers and krugman as simple aberrations, the victims of too many years of neurologically hazardous punditry. "

    charles krauthammer / december 5, 2003

    (bkz: https://www.washingtonpost.com/…-97e5-19da55fdc821/)
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