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  • 10 topla oynanan ve en yaygın versiyon olan 10-pin bowling için $öyledir..

    * her bir oyun (game) genelde 10 frame'den olu$ur.
    * her frame için 2 top hakkınız vardır. eğer ilk atı$ta 10 lobut'u da devirirseniz, ki buna strike denir, diğer topu atmazsınız.
    * ilk topta + ikinci topta devrilen lobut sayısı = 10 ise (örneğin 6+4) spare yapmı$ olursunuz.
    * eğer iki top sonunda 10 sayısını tutturamazsanız, örneğin 6+3 yaparsanız, 9 puan alır ama bonus kazanamazsınız. diğer frame'e geçersiniz.

    bonus olayı ise $öyle:
    * eğer strike yaparsanız, o atı$tan sonraki 2 atı$ın puanlarını bonus olarak alırsınız.

    1. frame: 1.top: 10 lobut
    2. frame: 1.top: 5 lobut
    2. frame: 2.top: 4 lobut
    bu durumda 1. frame'in puanı= 10+5+4=19
    2. frame'in puanı= 5+4=9
    toplam puan=28

    eğer son frame'de strike yaparsanız, 2 adet ek atı$ hakkınız olur.

    * eğer spare yaparsanız, o atı$tan sonraki ilk atı$ın puanını bonus olarak alırsınız.
    1. frame: 1.top: 6 lobut
    1. frame: 2.top: 4 lobut
    2. frame: 1.top: 3 lobut
    2. frame: 2.top: 5 lobut
    bu durumda 1.frame'in puanı= 6+4+3=13
    2.frame'in puanı= 3+5=8
    toplam puan=21

    eğer son frame'de spare yaparsanız, 1 adet ek atı$ hakkınız olur.

    örnek bir hesaplama için: http://public.csusm.edu/veres/bowlingscore.html

    daha ayrıntılı bilgi için:
    the bowler can have up to two attempts at knocking down a set of ten pins. any that are knocked down at the first attempt are removed and the bowler tries to knock down the remainder. knocking all of the pins down with the first ball is called a 'strike', and knocking down all the remaining pins on the second go is called a 'spare'.

    a game of bowling consists of ten frames, and the maximum you can score is 300 points. let us imagine we have two bowlers, adam and betty. adam bowls and knocks all of the pins down with his first ball. this is a strike, and an 'x' is marked in the frame 1 box on the score card, but the total is left blank as adam may score bonus points with his next two balls. adam does not get a second ball in this frame as there is nothing left to knock over. betty steps up to take her turn. betty knocks over 9 pins with her first ball. a 9 is written in the frame 1 box for betty. with her second ball she knocks over the last pin. she has 'picked up a spare' and a '/' is written next to the 9. no total is put in as a spare means that you can score bonus points with your next ball.

    adam bowls his second ball and knocks down eight pins, leaving the 7 and 10 pins standing. this is known as a 'split' because these pins are separated from each other, and getting a 'spare' from this is very difficult. with his second ball he knocks down the 7 pin. in frame 2 of the scorecard he writes the 8 and then puts a 1 next to it. he goes back to frame 1 where there is no total and can now fill it in. he scored 10 from his first ball in frame 1 and can add on what he scored from the next two balls (8 and 1) so the total in frame 1 is 19. as he did not get a spare in frame 2 there are no bonuses due, so he adds the 9 to the 19 and writes down 28 in frame 2.

    betty bowls the first ball of frame 2 and gets a strike. she is delighted. she puts an 'x' in the box for frame 2 and can now fill in the total for frame 1. her 9 + 1 in frame 1 added to the next ball, which was a strike, now add up to 20 so this is the total in frame 1. she cannot put in the total for frame 2 yet, because she is allowed to add in the value of the next two balls following her strike.

    frames 1 to 9 are identical in their scoring, and then you come to the tenth and final frame. on a paper scorecard this looks different from the others, as it has an extra space to fill in. this is to allow the bonuses to be put in if the player scores a strike or a spare in this frame. if you get a strike with your first ball in the tenth frame, you are allowed two more balls. you could get three strikes in the tenth. you could get a spare in your first two balls; this then means you are allowed one extra ball to get the bonus points for your spare. of course you may not knock all of the pins down with the first two balls and you get no further bonus goes and your game is finished.

    a strike in every frame and two extra strikes in the tenth scores as follows: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 giving the maximum score. strangely enough a strike alternating with a spare throughout the game gives a score of 200.

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