• aşağıdaki kanunlar bu devre şemalarına esas olarak uygulanır.
    kirchhoff akım kanunu: the sum of all currents entering a node is equal to the sum of all currents leaving the node.
    kirchhoff voltaj kanunu: the directed sum of the electrical potential differences around a circuit must be zero.
    ohm kanunu: the voltage across a resistor is the product of its resistance and the current flowing through it.
    the y-delta transform
    norton teoremi: any two-terminal collection of voltage sources and resistors is electrically equivalent to an ideal current source in parallel with a single resistor.
    thevenin teoremi: any two-terminal combination of voltage sources and resistors is electrically equivalent to a single voltage source in series with a single resistor.
    millman metodu: the voltage on the ends of branches in parallel is equal to the sum of the currents flowing in every branch divided by the total equivalent conductance.

    (kaynak: wikipedia)
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