• bir sylvia plath şiiri..

    from water-tower hill to the brick prison
    the shingle booms, bickering under
    the sea's collapse.
    snowcakes break and welter. this year
    the gritted wave leaps
    the seawall and drops onto a bier
    of quahog chips,
    leaving a salty mash of ice to whiten

    in my grandmother's sand yard. she is dead,
    whose laundry snapped and froze here, who
    kept house against
    what the sluttish, rutted sea could do.
    squall waves once danced
    ship timbers in through the cellar window;
    a thresh-tailed, lanced
    shark littered in the geranium bed ---

    such collusion of mulish elements
    she wore her broom straws to the nub.
    twenty years out
    of her hand, the house still hugs in each drab
    stucco socket
    the purple egg-stones: from great head's knob
    to the filled-in gut
    the sea in its cold gizzard ground those rounds.

    nobody wintering now behind
    the planked-up windows where she set
    her wheat loaves
    and apple cakes to cool. what is it
    survives, grieves
    so, battered, obstinate spit
    of gravel? the waves'
    spewed relics clicker masses in the wind,

    grey waves the stub-necked eiders ride.
    a labor of love, and that labor lost.
    steadily the sea
    eats at point shirley. she died blessed,
    and i come by
    bones, only bones, pawed and tossed,
    a dog-faced sea.
    the sun sinks under boston, bloody red.

    i would get from these dry-papped stones
    the milk your love instilled in them.
    the black ducks dive.
    and though your graciousness might stream,
    and i contrive,
    grandmother, stones are nothing of home
    to that spumiest dove.
    against both bar and tower the black sea runs.
  • "bu hafta sonu bir şiir bitirdim, "point shirley, revisited", büyükannem üzerine. katı biçimsel yapısına rağmen tuhaf biçimde güçlü ve dokunaklı benim için. hatırlatıcı. öyle tek boyutlu değil." sylvia plath - the journals of sylvia plath
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