23 entry daha
  • ekonomi ile ilgili söylediklerine katılmadığım politikacıdır...

    ama http://www.groepwilders.com/…etails.aspx?id=44'deki
    "..madam speaker, the islamic incursion must be stopped. islam is the trojan horse in europe. if we do not stop islamification now, eurabia and netherabia will just be a matter of time. one century ago, there were approximately 50 muslims in the netherlands. today, there are about 1 million muslims in this country. where will it end? we are heading for the end of european and dutch civilisation as we know it. where is our prime minister in all this? in reply to my questions in the house he said, without batting an eyelid, that there is no question of our country being islamified. now, this reply constituted a historical error as soon as it was uttered. very many dutch citizens, madam speaker, experience the presence of islam around them. and i can report that they have had enough of burkas, headscarves, the ritual slaughter of animals, so-called honour revenge, blaring minarets, female circumcision, hymen restoration operations, abuse of homosexuals, turkish and arabic on the buses and trains as well as on town hall leaflets, halal meat at grocery shops and department stores, sharia exams, the finance minister’s sharia mortgages, and the enormous overrepresentation of muslims in the area of crime, including moroccan street terrorists.
    in spite of all this, madam speaker, there is hope. fortunately. the majority of dutch citizens have become fully aware of the danger, and regard islam as a threat to our culture.."

    bu metinde söyledikleri arasında yanlışlık var mıdır hayvan katli, töre cinayetleri ve homofobi, faizsiz bankacılık bütün dünyanın sorunu değil midir... herkesin tek bir suçtan suçlanması değildir bu bir anlayışın reddedilmesidir... nefret suçu veya bir inançtan nefret etmek değildir gerçekleri bir ülkenin parlamentosunda haykırmaktır...

    ayrıca yine oradan alıntı:
    madam speaker, there is no such thing as “moderate islam”. as turkish prime minister erdogan said the other day, and i quote, “there is no moderate or immoderate islam. islam is islam and that’s it”. islam is in pursuit of dominance. it wishes to exact its imperialist agenda by force on a worldwide scale (8:39)
898 entry daha
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