• linki verilen calismadan alintilar asagida

    • a large body of evidence consistently demonstrates that tobacco smoking status is significantly associated with risk of developing pancreatic cancer in general population

    • current smokers have a 66% higher risk of pancreatic cancer and former smokers have a 40% higher risk of pancreatic cancer in comparison with never smokers

    • a limited body of evidence shows that alcohol consumption status may be associated with risk of developing pancreatic cancer `but findings of population-based studies are inconsistent`

    • the combined effect of smoking and total alcohol on risk of pancreatic cancer is likely to be non-additive; as an example only heavy consumption of liquor, but not wine or beer, increases the risk of pancreatic cancer in ever smokers

    turkce ozet: makale basligi okuyup gaza gelemeyin. alkol ile pankreas kanseri arasindaki iliski makaleye gore net degil.
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