• 2006 yilinda gorevini birakacak ve daha sonra new york valiligine adayligini koyacak olan bassavci. alan greenspanle birlikte 2006 yilinda amerika'daki en buyuk degisikliklerden biri olacaktir. new york valisi olmasina ise neredeyse kesin gozuyle bakilmaktadir. alan greenspan'in aksine politik gorusunu cok acikca belli etmistir kendisi ayrica.

    bugune kadar actigi davalarda bircok istifaya sebep oldu ancak iceri sadece bir broker'i atabildi. o da tum suclama turlerinden hukum giydi zaten. iceri girmeme ihtimali yoktu. ancak merill lynch'e verdigi manevi zarar cok ciddi boyutlarda.

    elbette spitzer'in gidisine en cok araci kurumlar ve sigorta sirketleri sevinecek. yerine gelecek kisi de henuz belli degil. ancak eger ola ki greenspan'de oldugu gibi ben bernanke gibi dogruya en yakin olabilecek varislerden biri gelirse o zaman amerikan para piyasasi sisteminin daha cok cekecegi var demektir.
  • kasim 2006 secimlerinde new york eyaletinin valisi secilmistir.
  • fuhuş iddialariyla basi fena halde derde giren vali ve cok meshur eski bassavci. hey gidi spitzer be vurdun mu ses getirirdin, bu hallere dusecek adammiydin?*.

    haberin ilk cikis kaynagi olan the new york times'dan;

    --- alinti ---
    spitzer is linked to prostitution ring
    by danny hakim and william k. rashbaum
    published: march 10, 2008

    albany - gov. eliot spitzer has been caught on a federal wiretap arranging to meet with a high-priced prostitute at a washington hotel last month, according to a person briefed on the federal investigation.
    an affidavit in the federal investigation into a prostitution ring said that a wiretap recording captured a man identified as client 9 on a telephone call confirming plans to have a woman travel from new york to washington, where he had reserved a hotel room. the person briefed on the case identified mr. spitzer as client 9.

    mr. spitzer today made a brief public appearance during which he apologized for his behavior, and described it as a “private matter.”

    “i have acted in a way that violates my obligation to my family and violates my or any sense of right or wrong,” said mr. spitzer, who appeared with his wife silda at his manhattan office. “i apologize first and most importantly to my family. i apologize to the public to whom i promised better.”

    “i have disappointed and failed to live up to the standard i expected of myself. i must now dedicate some time to regain the trust of my family.”

    before speaking, mr. spitzer stood with his arm around his wife; the two nodded and then strode forward together to face more than 100 reporters. both had glassy, tear-filled eyes, but they did not cry.

    the governor spoke for perhaps a minute and did not address his political future.

    he declined to take questions and promised to report back soon. as he went to leave, three reporters screamed out, "are you resigning? are you resigning?", and mr. spitzer charged out of the room, slamming the door.

    the governor learned that he had been implicated in the prostitution inquiry when a federal official contacted his staff last friday, according to the person briefed on the case.

    the governor informed his top aides sunday night and this morning of his involvement. he canceled his public events today and scheduled the announcement for this afternoon after inquiries from the times.

    the governor’s aides appeared shaken before he spoke, and one of them began to weep as they waited for him to make his statement at his manhattan office.

    the man described as client 9 in court papers arranged to meet with a prostitute who was part of the ring, emperors club vip, on the night of feb. 13. mr. spitzer traveled to washington that evening, according to a person told of his travel arrangements.

    the affidavit says that client 9 met with the woman in hotel room 871 but does not identify the hotel. mr. spitzer stayed at the mayflower hotel in washington on feb. 13, according to a source who was told of his travel arrangements. room 871 at the mayflower hotel that evening was registered under another name.

    federal prosecutors rarely charge clients in prostitution cases, which are generally seen as state crimes. but the mann act, passed by congress in 1910 to address prostitution, human trafficking and what was viewed at the time as immorality in general, makes it a crime to transport someone between states for the purpose of prostitution. the four defendants charged in the case unsealed last week were all charged with that crime, along with several others.

    mr. spitzer had a difficult first year in office, rocked by a mix of scandal and legislative setbacks. in recent weeks, however, mr. spitzer seemed to have rebounded, with his democratic party poised to perhaps gain control of the state senate for the first time in four decades.

    mr. spitzer gained national attention when he served as attorney general with his relentless pursuit of wall street wrongdoing. as attorney general, he also had prosecuted at least two prostitution rings as head of the state’s organized crime task force.

    in one such case in 2004, mr. spitzer spoke with revulsion and anger after announcing the arrest of 16 people for operating a high-end prostitution ring out of staten island.

    “this was a sophisticated and lucrative operation with a multitiered management structure,” mr. spitzer said at the time. “it was, however, nothing more than a prostitution ring.”

    albany for months has been roiled by bitter fighting and accusations of dirty tricks. the albany county district attorney is set to issue in the coming days the results of his investigation into mr. spitzer’s first scandal, his aides’ involvement in an effort to tarnish majority leader joseph l. bruno, the state’s top republican.
    --- alinti ---

  • karistigi fuhus skandalinin ardindan amerikan medyasinin ilgi odagina yerlesmis politikaci. yolsuzluklar ve usulsuzlukler ile mucadele ederek kazandigi ununu ve temiz adam imajini fena zedelemis, rakiplerinin eline cok buyuk bir koz vermistir. kendisi de, esi de harvard hukuk fakultesi'nden* mezunlarmis.
  • istifa etmesi icin koseye sikistirilmaktadir. tabii bunda zamaninda koseye sikistirdiklarinin payida vardir.
  • iki saat icinde istifasini aciklamasi bekleniyor.
  • karistigi fuhus skandali nedeniyle pazartesi mart 17 de koltugunu david paterson'a birakacak new york valisi. wall street te pek cok insan sevinmistir bu karara.
  • fuhuş işine nakit ödemeleri bilinmemekle beraber 80 bin dolar para yatıran vali bey ödemelerini havale yoluyla yapmış.
    gayrimenkül zengini spitzer ailesinin asıl isim yapmış üyesi, aynı zamanda vali beyin de babası bernard spitzer eliot'un kulaklarını feci çekecek.
  • istifa etmis ve koltugunu david a paterson devralmistir. kristen takma isimli ashley alexandra dupre ismli telekiza hizmet bedeli olarak 4000 dolardan fazla miktarda para odedigi iddia ediliyor. kizin myspace sayfasi ziyaretci rekoru kiriyormus. ciplak fotograflari bir iki gun icinde turkiye'nin sevilen ve sayilan yayin organi hurriyet'e dusmezse adam degilim, ordan da konuyu bir sekilde amy winehouse'a baglarlar.
  • bende etnik köken* üzerinden siyasi tavır tahmini yapma gibi bir hastalık var. bu elemanı bir takım finans çakallarının üstüne gittiği dönemde cnn int.'de izlemiştim. konu enron ya da nyse falan olabilir. buş ve avanesi de buna siyasi tavır alıyorsun diye çemkiriyordu. adamın tipine bakıp işte anglosakson kökenli savcı yahudi finans kapitaline savaş açtı, yakında ipini çekerler ya da siyasi bir figür olur diye hemen yüzeysel bir izlenim edindim. sonra işte bu prostitüsyon olayıyla da adamı harcadı ünlü lobimiz ve elindeki medya demiştim. işin ilginç yanı adam sadece para karşılığında bir kadınla* bir kaç defa beraber olmuş. ahlaki zaaf dışında, aslında fuhuş çetesi ile başka bir ilgisi yok. ama makamı ve abartı yorumlanmış bir kanun detayı gereği suç işlemiş, yasayı ihlal etmiş de oluyor. neyse öylece bitti siyasi kariyer açılımı da. ancak zahmet edip bakınca görüyoruz ki, kafamızdaki şablonlar öyle biz sanıyoruz diye ezbere doğru çıkmıyor. amerikadaki musevi finans ve medya tekeli ile mücadele eden bu anglosakson tipli şahıs da anne tarafından galiçya baba tarafından da filistin yahudisi olmak üzere ful musevi ebeveyne sahip biri imiş yeni öğrendim. arz ederim.
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