3 entry daha
  • berlioz'un psychedelic senfonisidir de denebilir (leonard bernstein'dan). umutsuz askinin* acisiyla diplere vurmus bir sanatcinin*, aldigi uyusturucunun (opium, hashas) etkisiyle gördügü halusinasyonlari betimleyen fantastik senfoni, psychedelic müzigin belki de ilk örnegidir. berlioz, ikinci bölüm "bir balo"da bugüne kadar yazilmis en güzel valslerden birini dinletir. ücüncü bölüm "kirlarda gecen bir sahne" berlioz'un 1991 yilinda kesfedilmis messe solennelle (missa solemnis) adli eserinden fikirler icermektedir; ister istemez beethoven'in pastoral senfonisini akla getirir. dördüncü bölüm "dar agacina yürüyüs" ün müzigi, bestecinin tamamlanmamis operasi les franc-juges'dan alinmistir. son bölümde ise cadilarin dansi berlioz requiem'in dies iraesiyle bütünlesir.

    akustigi iyi olan konser salonlarinda orkestralarin daha da dikkatli olmalarini gerektiren bir eserdir. aksi halde fortissimolar adeta kulaginizda patliyorlar. naciz fikrimce bu senfoniyi en iyi yorumlatan seflerden biri olan mariss jansons'u da burada aniyorum.

    hector berlioz fantastik senfonisi icin ayrintili bir program da yazmistir. su aralar nisan'a kadar yetismesi gereken mesakkatli ve uzun bir rusca metnin cevirisiyle mesgul oldugum icin* affiniza siginarak bu programin sadece ingilizce cevirisini aktariyorum:

    a young musician of morbidly sensible temperament and fiery imagination poisons himself with opium in a fit of lovesick despair. the dose of the narcotic, too weak to kill him, plunges him into a deep slumber accompanied by the strangest visions, during which his sensations, his emotions, his memories are transformed in his sick mind into musical thoughts and images. the loved one herself has become a melody to him, an ideé fixe as it were, that he encounters and hears everywhere.

    part i - reveries, passions

    he recalls first that soul-sickness, that vague des passions, those depressions, those groundless joys, that he experienced before he first saw his loved one; then the volcanic love that she suddenly inspired in him, his frenzied suffering, his jealous rages, his returns to tenderness, his religious consolations.

    part ii - a ball

    he encounters the loved one at a dance in the midst of the tumult of a brilliant party.

    part iii - scene in the country

    one summer evening in the country, he hears two shepherds piping a ranz des vaches (isvicre cobanlarinin ineklerini güderken söyledikleri veya caldiklari bir sarki) in dialogue; this pastoral duet, the scenery, the quiet rustling of the trees gently brushed by the wind, the hopes he has recently found some reason to entertain - all concur in affording his heart an unaccustomed calm, and in giving a more cheerful color to his ideas. but she appears again, he feels a tightening in his heart, painful presentiments disturb him - what if she were deceiving him? - one of the shepherds takes up his simple tune again, the other no longer answers. the sun sets - distant sound of thunder - loneliness - silence.

    part iv - march to the scaffold

    he dreams that he has killed his beloved, that he is condemned to death and led to the scaffold. the procession moves forward to the sounds of a march that is now somber and fierce, now brilliant and solemn, in which the muffled sound of heavy steps gives way without transition to the noisiest clamor. at the end, the ideé fixe returns for a moment, like a last thought of love interrupted by the fatal blow.

    part v - dream of a witches' sabbath

    he sees himself at the sabbath, in the midst of a frightful troop of ghosts, sorcerers, monsters of every kind, come together for his funeral. strange noises, groans, bursts of laughter, distant cries which other cries seem to answer. the beloved's melody appears again, but it has lost its character of nobility and shyness; it is no more than a dance tune, mean, trivial, and grotesque: it is she (ideé fixe), coming to join the sabbath. - a roar of joy at her arrival. - she takes part in the devilish orgy. - funeral knell, burlesque parody of the dies irae, sabbath round-dance. the sabbath round and the dies irae combined.
12 entry daha
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