• raimbaut de vaqueiras'ın sekiz yüzyıl evvelden kalan bir şarkısı. markinin sarayında şiirler yazıp şakıyan ismin kusmuğudur. tek yeteneği sanatı olan birisinin şövalye ilân edilmesinin yarattığı haset markinin kız kardeşi beatrice'yi etkiler. birçoklarının önünde raimbaut'yu küçük düşürür miladysi. sarayın şen şakrağı o güne kadar görülmemiş bir hüzünle kaplanır ve susar. markinin araya girip kız kardeşini ikna etmesi ve beatrice'nin ricası üzerine tekrar şakımaya başlar raimbaut.
    sözlerini, ingilizce çevirisi ile birlikte yapıştıralım da tam olsun...

    kalenda maya
    ni fueills de faia
    ni chans d'auzell
    ni flors de glaia
    non es qe-m plaia,
    pros dona gaia,
    tro q'un isnell
    messagier aia
    de vostre bell
    cors, qi-m retraia
    plazer novell
    q'amors m'atraia
    e jaia
    e-m traia
    vas vos
    donna veraia,
    e chaia
    de plaia
    -l gelos,
    anz qe-m n'estria

    ma bell'amia
    per dieu non sia
    qe ja-l gelos
    de mon dan ria,
    qe car vendria
    sa gelozia,
    si aitals dos
    amantz partia;
    q'ieu ja joios
    mais non seria
    ni jois ses vos
    pro no-m tenria
    tal via faria
    q'oms ja
    mais no-m veiria;
    cell dia morria,
    donna pros, q'ie-us perdria

    con er perduda
    ni m'er renduda
    donna, s'enanz | non l'ai aguda?
    qe drutz ni druda
    non es per cuda;
    mas qant amantz en drut si muda,
    l'onors es granz q'el n'es creguda;
    e-l bels semblanz fai far tal bruda;
    qe nuda
    no-us al, ni d'als vencuda;
    vos ai, | sel autr'ajuda.

    tart m'esjauzira,
    pos ja.m partira,
    bells cavalhiers, de vos ab ira,
    q'aill.ors no-s vira
    mos cors, ni-m tira
    mos deziriers, q'als non dezira;
    q'a lauzengiers sai q'abellira,
    donna, q'estiers non lur garira:
    tals vira,
    mos danz, qi-lls vos grazira,
    qe-us mira,
    cuidanz, don cors sospira.

    tant gent comensa,
    part totas gensa,
    na beatritz, e pren creissensa
    vostra valensa;
    per ma credensa,
    de pretz garnitz
    vostra tenesa
    e de bels ditz
    senes failhensa;
    de faitz grazitz
    tenetz semensa;
    e coneissensa;
    ses tensa
    ab benvolensa.

    donna grazida,
    qecs lauz'e crida
    vostra valor
    q'es abellida,
    e qi-us oblida,
    pauc li val vida,
    per q'ie-us azor,
    qar per cençor
    vos ai chauzida
    e per meilhor,
    de prez complida,
    q'erecs enida.
    ai l'estampida.

    neither may day
    nor beech leaves
    nor birdsong
    nor gladioli
    can please me,
    worthy and joyous lady,
    until i receive
    a swift messenger
    from your fair
    self to tell me of
    some new pleasure
    and joy
    that love brings me,
    and i hurry
    to you,
    faithful lady;
    and may the jealous one
    fall stricken
    before i must leave you.

    my love,
    god forbid
    that the jealous one
    should ever laugh
    at my misfortune,
    for he would pay dearly
    for his jealousy
    if he parted
    two such lovers;
    for i would never be joyful again,
    and joy without you
    would be nothing to me;
    i would go
    where no one
    would ever see me again;
    i would die, worthy lady,
    the day i lost you.

    how could a lady be lost
    or restored to me,
    if she has never been mine?
    for men and women are not lovers
    in thought alone;
    but when a wooer becomes a lover,
    great is the honour that accrues to him,
    and the sight of his happiness
    gives rise to such rumours;
    for i have neer embraced you naked
    or conquered you in any other way;
    i have desired you,
    put my trust in you,
    without any benefit in return.

    i could not easily be consoled,
    fair knight,
    once i had left you in sorrow,
    for my heart is not inclined to anyone else,
    nor does my desire lead me elsewhere,
    for i desire no other;
    i know, lady, this would please the slanderers,
    and nothing else would satisfy them:
    such a person would see and hear
    of my misfortune and thank you for it,
    for he looks on you
    and longs for you presumptuously,
    which makes my heart sigh.

    your reputation
    begins so nobly,
    lady beatrice,
    excels all others,
    and continues to increase;
    by my faith,
    you adorn
    your authority
    with merit
    and eloquence,
    without fail;
    you are the source of
    gracious deeds;
    you have knowledge,
    and discrimination;
    without a doubt,
    you clothe your virtue
    with kindness.

    gracious lady,
    everyone praises and proclaims
    your pleasing virute,
    and whoever
    forgets you
    leads a worthless life;
    therefore i adore you,
    distinguished lady;
    for i have chosen you
    as the noblest
    and the best,
    perfect in virtue;
    i have praised
    and served you
    more nobly
    than erec did enide.
    sir engles,
    i have made
    and finished
    the estampida.
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