• özetle, sahte akademik yayın. hiçbir şekilde geçerliliği yoktur. akademik kaliteyi bu kadar anlayamayacak kadar bir sürü akademisyenin saçma sapan makalelerini bünyesinde barındırır. bu tür yayınların özellikleri:
    -open access (bazıları olmayabiliyor)
    -ücret ödemenize rağmen peer-review hizmeti almıyorsunuz.

    birçoğunun logosu vs paint'le yapılmış gibi duruyor. bir insan bundan bile mi mantıklı bir çıkarımda bulunmaz yahu?

    liste için: https://predatoryjournals.com/journals/

    birilerini durdurur belki amacıyla buraya da kopyalıyorum. aşırı derecede uzun liste. bir de yayınevleri için bir liste var ki, of!

    academic exchange quarterly
    academic research reviews
    academy of contemporary research journal (aocrj)
    acme ıntellects
    acta de gerencia ciencia (cagena)
    acta advances in agricultural sciences (aaas)
    acta kinesiologica
    acta medica ınternational
    acta scientiae et ıntellectus
    acta velit
    advance journals of engineering mathematics and computer sciences (ajemcs)
    advance research journal of multidisciplinary discoveries
    the advanced science journal
    advances in aerospace science and technology (aast)
    advances in biomedicine and pharmacy (abp)
    advances in forestry letter
    advances in science, technology and engineering systems journal (astesj / astes journal)
    afrasian journal of humanities and social sciences (aajhss)
    african journal of traditional, complementary and alternative medicines (ajtcam)
    ahead ınternational journal of recent research review (aıjrrr)
    al ameen journal of medical sciences (ajms)
    aloy journal of soft computing and applications (ajsca)
    american based research journal (abrj)
    american ınternational journal of contemporary research (aıjcr)
    american ınternational journal of contemporary scientific research
    american journal of advanced agricultural research (ajaar)
    american journal of advanced drug delivery
    american journal of advanced scientific research (ajasr)
    american journal of advances in medical science (arnaca)
    american journal of biotechnology and medical research
    american journal of engineering research
    american journal of essential oils and natural products (essential oil ınternational journal)
    american journal of ınnovative research and applied sciences (ajıras)
    american journal of pharmacy and health research (ajphr)
    american journal of pharmtech research (ajptr)
    american journal of phytomedicine and clinical therapeutics
    american journal of research communication (ajrc)
    american journal of scientific research
    american journal of social issues and humanities
    american research thoughts
    american scientific research journal for engineering, technology, and sciences (asrjets)
    american transactions on engineering & applied sciences
    anglisticum: ınternational journal of literature, linguistics & ınterdisciplinary studies
    annals of eurasıan medıcıne
    annals of british medical sciences (abms)
    annals of clinical case reports
    annals of ınternational medical and dental research (aımdr)
    annals of medical and biomedical sciences (ambs)
    annals of phytomedicine
    applied research journal
    archives des sciences journal
    archives of clinical and experimental surgery
    arnaca american journal of advances in medical science
    arpn journal of science and technology
    arpn journal of systems and software
    asia pacific journal of education, arts and sciences (apjeas)
    asia-pacific journal of multidisciplinary research
    asian pacific journal of natural products (apjnp)
    asian pacific journal of pharmacy and phytochemistry (apjpp)
    asia-pacific journal of research
    asian journal of applied science and engineering
    asian journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences
    asian journal of chemistry
    asian journal of health and medical sciences
    asian journal of humanities and social sciences
    asian journal of business and management sciences (ajbms)
    asian journal of mathematics and applications
    asian journal of multidisciplinary studies
    asian journal of pharmaceutical and health sciences
    asian journal of pharmacy and life science
    asian journal of pharmaceutical research and health care (ajprhc)
    asian journal of science and technology (science and technology asian journal)
    asian pacific journal of health sciences (apjhs)
    asian pacific journal of tropical disease
    asian research journal of business management (arjbm)
    australasian journal of herpetology
    australasian medical journal (amj)
    australian journal of basic and applied sciences
    australian journal of business and management research (ajbmr)
    astronomical review
    averroes european medical journal (averroes-emj)
    ayupharm: ınternational journal of ayurveda and allied sciences
    return to top

    bio bulletin
    biointerface research in applied chemistry
    biomaterials and tissue engineering bulletin
    biomedical & pharmacology journal
    biomedical engineering review
    bionano frontier
    biopharm journal
    the bioscan
    bioresearch bulletin
    bioscience and bioengineering communications (bbc)
    bioscience biotechnology research communications (bbrc)
    bioscience discovery
    biosciences, biotechnology research asia (bbra)
    biosciences ınternational
    biotechnological research
    botany journal
    british biomedical bulletin
    british journal of economics, finance and management sciences
    british journal of ınterdisciplinary studies
    british journal of medical and health research (bjmhr)
    british journal of science
    buletin teknologi makanan
    bulletin of applied and research science (bars)
    bulletin of environment, pharmacology and life sciences (bepls)
    bulletin of mathematical sciences & applications
    bulletin of pharmaceutical research
    bulletin of society for mathematical services and standards
    business and economics journal
    the business review, cambridge
    return to top

    canadian chemical transactions
    canadian ınternational journal of science and technology
    canadian journal of basic and applied sciences
    canadian journal of biotechnology
    canadian journal of pure and applied sciences
    canadian scientific journal
    cancer research frontiers
    cardiology and cardiovascular medicine
    caribbean journal of science and technology
    case study and case report
    caspian sea journal (csj)
    cellular and molecular biology
    cellular and molecular biology [alt]
    chemical science transactions
    chemistry research journal
    clinics in oncology
    clinics in surgery
    columban journal of life sciences
    communications on applied electronics (cae)
    computational research progress in applied science & engineering
    computer science chronicle
    computer science journal
    contemporary research in ındia
    contemporary sociological global review (csgr)
    the criterion: an ınternational journal in english
    cumhuriyet science journal
    current biotica
    current botany
    current discovery
    current trends in technology and sciences (ctts)
    return to top

    dav ınternational journal of science (davıjs)
    dawn journal
    der pharma chemica
    direct research journals
    diyala journal for pure science (djps)
    return to top

    east european science journal (czasopismo naukowe)
    eastern academic journal
    eastern european scientific journal
    e-library science research journal
    ecoletra.com scientific ejournal
    education reform journal
    eduved global management research (gmr)
    eduved, ınternational journal of ınterdisciplinary research
    electronic journal of biology (ejbio)
    electronic journal of engineering and technology (ejet)
    electronic journal of geotechnical engineering (ejge)
    electronic journal of vocational colleges
    elixir ınternational journal (formerly)
    elixir online journal
    engineering & ıt journal (eıt journal)
    engineering physics and thermodynamics journal
    engineering research journal
    entomology and applied science letters (easl)
    essence: ınternational journal for environmental rehabilitation and conservation
    euro-afro journal of arts and social sciences (eajass)
    european academic research
    european chemical bulletin (ecb)
    european environmental sciences and ecology journal
    european ınternational journal of science and humanities (eıjsh)
    european ınternational journal of science and technology (center for enhancing knowledge, uk)
    european journal of academic essays (ejae)
    european journal of advanced computer science (ejacs)
    european journal of advances in engineering & technology (ejaet)
    european journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences (ejbps)
    european journal of biotechnology and bioscience
    european journal of business and social sciences (ejbss)
    european journal of chemistry (eurjchem)
    european journal of contemporary economics and management (ejcem, ejem)
    european journal of economics, finance and administrative sciences (revue européenne d’economie, finance et sciences de l’administration)
    european journal of educational research (eujer)
    european journal of educational sciences (ejes)
    european journal of engineering research and science (ejers)
    european journal of natural history (ejnh)
    european journal of pharmaceutical and medical research (ejpmr)
    european journal of science and theology
    european journal of scientific research
    european journal of social sciences (revue européenne des sciences sociales)
    european journal of sustainable development
    european law and politics journal (elpj)
    european online journal of natural and social sciences
    european scientific journal
    return to top

    first ındependent scientific journal
    fluıds: ınternational journal of medical fluid management
    food biology
    forex technical journal library
    frontiers in aerospace engineering
    functional analysis: theory, method & applications (fatma)
    return to top

    g-journal of environmental science and technology (gjest)
    g-journal of education, social science and humanities (gjesh)
    galaxy: ınternational multidisciplinary research journal
    genes & cancer
    generics and biosimilars ınitiative journal (gabı journal)
    genetics and molecular research
    geodynamics research ınternational bulletin (grıb)
    global business & finance review
    global journal for research analysis (gjra)
    global journal of advanced engineering technologies and sciences (gjaets)
    global journal of advanced research (gjar)
    global journal of animal scientific research (gjasr)
    global journal of business and social science (gjbss)
    global journal of business and social science review (gjbssr)
    global journal of engineering science and research management (gjesrm)
    global journal of management science and technology
    global journal of medical and health sciences (gjm)
    global journal of medicine and public health
    global journal of multidisciplinary studies (gjms)
    global media journal
    golden research thoughts
    global scholastic research journal
    return to top

    hctl open ınternational journal of technology ınnovations and research (ıjtır)
    hiperboreea journal
    hortflora research spectrum (hrs)
    hygeia: journal for drugs and medicines
    return to top

    ıars’ ınternational research journal (ı’ırj)
    ıdeal journal of arts and humanities (ıjah)
    ıdeal journal of engineering and applied sciences (ıjeas)
    ıdeal journal of economics and management sciences (ıjems)
    ıdeal journal of pure and applied sciences (ıjesam)
    ıdeal journal of education and policy studies (ıjepas)
    ıdeal journal of psychology and theology (ıjopat)
    ındian journal of advanced nursing (ıjan)
    ındian journal of advances in chemical science (ıjacs)
    ındian journal of applied-basic medical sciences
    ındian journal of applied research
    ındian journal of drugs
    ındian journal of medical research and pharmaceutical sciences (ıjmrps)
    ındian journal of natural sciences (ıjons)
    ındian journal of pharmaceutical and biological research (ıjpbr)
    ındian journal of pharmaceutical science & research (ıjpsr)
    ındian journal of research anvikshiki
    ındian journal of research in pharmacy and biotechnology (ıjrpb)
    ındian journal of scientific research (ıjsr)
    ındian journal of scientific research and technology (ındjsrt)
    ındian research journal of pharmacy and science
    ındian scholar
    ındian streams research journal
    ındo american journal of pharmaceutical research
    ındo american journal of pharmaceutical sciences (ıajps)
    ındo-global journal of pharmaceutical sciences
    ındustrial science journal
    ınformatıon an ınternational ınterdisciplinary journal
    ınnovations in pharmaceuticals and pharmacotherapy (ıpp)
    ınstitute of electrical & electronics engineers advanced journal (ıeeeaj)
    ıntegrated journal of british (ıjbrıtısh)
    ınterdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business
    ınterdisciplinary journal of research in business (ıdjrb)
    ınterdisciplinary toxicology (intertox)
    ınternal medicine review
    ınternational advanced research journal in science, engineering and technology (ıarjset)
    ınternational archives of biomedical and clinical research (ıabcr)
    ınternational archives of medicine
    ınternational ayurvedic medical journal (ıamj)
    the ınternational asian research journal (tıarj)
    ınternational biology review
    ınternational bulletin of business administration (bulletin ınternational d’administration des entreprises)
    ınternational cardiovascular forum (ıcf)
    ınternational cardiovascular forum [alt] (ıcf)
    ınternational chemistry review
    ınternational design journal
    ınternational economic letters
    ınternational education and research journal
    ınternational educational e-journal
    ınternational educational scientific research journal
    ınternational ınterdisciplinary journal of education (ııje)
    ınternational ınterdisciplinary journal of scientific research (ııjsr)
    ınternational journal & magazine of engineering, technology, management and research (ıjmetmr)
    ınternational journal advances in social science and humanities (ıjassh)
    ınternational journal and bulletin of multidisciplinary research (ıjbmr)
    ınternational journal for advanced review and research in pharmacy (ıjarrp)
    ınternational journal for development of computer science and technology (ıjdcst)
    ınternational journal for ınnovation education and research (ıjıer)
    ınternational journal for ınnovative research in multidisciplinary field (ıjırmf)
    ınternational journal for ınnovative research in science and technology (ıjırst)
    ınternational journal for modern trends in science and technology (ıjmtst)
    ınternational journal for pharmaceutical research scholars (ıjprs)
    ınternational journal for research & development in technology (ıjrdt)
    ınternational journal for research in applied science and engineering technology (ıjraset)
    ınternational journal for research in emerging science and technology (ıjrest)
    ınternational journal for research in engineering application & management (ıjream)
    ınternational journal for scientific research & development
    ınternational journal for technological research in engineering (ıjtre)
    ınternational journal of abdominal research (ıjar)
    ınternational journal of academic research
    ınternational journal of academic studies (ıjas)
    ınternational journal of advance computing techniques and applications (ıjacta)
    ınternational journal of advance engineering and research development (ıjaerd)
    ınternational journal of advance foundation and research in computer (ıjafrc)
    ınternational journal of advance foundation and research in science and engineering (ıjafrse)
    ınternational journal of advance research and ınnovation
    ınternational journal of advance research and ınnovative ıdeas in education (ıjarııe)
    ınternational journal of advance research, ıdeas and ınnovations in technology (ıjarııt)
    ınternational journal of advance research in computer science and management studies (ıjarcsms)
    ınternational journal of advance research in science and engineering (ıjarse)
    ınternational journal of advanced academic research (ıjaar)
    ınternational journal of advanced and applied sciences (ıjaas)
    ınternational journal of advanced and ınnovative research (ıjaır)
    ınternational journal of advanced computer technology (ıjact)
    ınternational journal of advanced computer technology (compusoft)
    ınternational journal of advanced education and research (ıjmrd)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering and management research (ıjaemr)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering and nano technology (ıjaent)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering applications
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering, management and science (ıjaems)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering research and applications (ıja-era)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering research and science (ıjaers)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering science and technological research (ıjaestr)
    ınternational journal of advanced engineering science and technological research (ıjaestr)
    ınternational journal of advanced ınformation in arts science and management (ıjaıasm)
    ınternational journal of advanced ınformation science and technology (ıjaıst)
    ınternational journal of advanced life sciences
    ınternational journal of advanced multidisciplinary research (ıjamr)
    ınternational journal of advanced networking and applications (ıjana)
    ınternational journal of advanced research
    ınternational journal of advanced research and review (ıjarr)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in applied science and technology (ıjarast)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in biological sciences (ıjarbs)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in biology, ecology, science and technology (ıjarbest)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering (ıjarcce)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in computer science and electronics engineering (ıjarcsee)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering (ıjarcsse)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in computer science & technology (ıjarcst)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in education & technology (ıjaret)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in electrical, electronics and ınstrumentation engineering (ıjareeıe)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in engineering & management (ıjarem)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in engineering and science (ıjares)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in mechanical engineering & technology (ıjarmet)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in science and technology (ıjarst)
    ınternational journal of advanced research in science, engineering and technology (ıjarset)
    ınternational journal of advanced science and engineering technology (ıjaset)
    ınternational journal of advanced scientific research & development (ıjasrd)
    ınternational journal of advanced technology and ınnovative research (ıjatır)
    ınternational journal of advanced technology in engineering and science (ıjates)
    ınternational journal of advanced technology and engineering research (ıjater)
    ınternational journal of advanced technology and science (ıjats)
    ınternational journal of advanced trends in computer applications (ıjatca)
    ınternational journal of advancement in engineering technology, management & applied science (ıjaetmas)
    ınternational journal of advancements in mechanical and aeronautical engineering
    ınternational journal of advancements in research & technology (ıjoart)
    ınternational journal of advances in applied mathematics and mechanics (ıjaamm)
    ınternational journal of advances in engineering (ıjae)
    ınternational journal of advances in engineering & technology (ıjaet)
    ınternational journal of advances in ınterdisciplinary research (ıjaıdr)
    ınternational journal of advances in management and economics (ıjame)
    ınternational journal of advances in management, economics and entrepreneurship (ıjamee)
    ınternational journal of advances in mathematics
    ınternational journal of advances in pharmaceutical research
    ınternational journal of advances in power systems (ıjaps)
    ınternational journal of advances in social science and humanities (ıjassh)
    ınternational journal of advent research in computer and electronics (ıjarce)
    ınternational journal of aerospace and medical engineering
    ınternational journal of agriculture and crop sciences (ıjacs)
    ınternational journal of agriculture and environmental research (ıjaer)
    ınternational journal of agriculture ınnovations and research (ıjaır)
    ınternational journal of agricultural, forestry & plantation (ıjafp)
    ınternational journal of agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine (ıjasvm)
    ınternational journal of agronomy & plant production
    ınternational journal of all research education & scientific methods (ıjaresm)
    ınternational journal of application or ınnovation in engineering & management (ıjaıem)
    ınternational journal of applied and pure science and agriculture (ıjapsa)
    ınternational journal of applied biology and pharmaceutical technology (ıjabpt)
    ınternational journal of applied dental sciences
    ınternational journal of applied economic studies
    ınternational journal of applied ınformation systems (ıjıas)
    ınternational journal of applied linguistics & english literature (ıjalel)
    ınternational journal of applied pharmaceutical & biological research (ıjapbr)
    ınternational journal of applied pharmaceutical sciences and biological sciences (ıjapsbs)
    ınternational journal of applied research
    ınternational journal of applied research & studies (ijars)
    ınternational journal of applied research in natural products (ıjarnp)
    ınternational journal of applied science engineering and management (ıjasem)
    ınternational journal of applied sciences and biotechnology (ıjasbt)
    ınternational journal of applied sciences and engineering
    ınternational journal of architecture, civil engineering and urban design (ıjacu)
    ınternational journal of artificial ıntelligence and mechatronics
    ınternational journal of art and humanity science (ıjahs)
    ınternational journal of arts and commerce
    ınternational journal of arts and entrepreneurship (ıjae)
    ınternational journal of arts, humanities and management studies (ıjahms)
    ınternational journal of arts humanities and social sciences (ıjahss)
    ınternational journal of ayurveda and pharma research
    ınternational journal of ayurveda and pharmaceutical chemistry
    ınternational journal of basic and applied science (ıbjas)
    ınternational journal of basic medical sciences and pharmacy (ıjbmsp)
    ınternational journal of basic sciences and applied computing (ıjbsac)
    ınternational journal of basic sciences and applied research (ıjbsar)
    ınternational journal of bio (ıjobıo)
    ınternational journal of bioassays
    ınternational journal of biological & pharmaceutical research (ıjbpr)
    ınternational journal of biological and chemical sciences (ıjbcs)
    ınternational journal of biology, pharmacy and allied sciences (ıjbpas)
    ınternational journal of biomedical science
    ınternational journal of biosciences and nanosciences (ıjbsans)
    ınternational journal of business and administration research review (ıjbarr)
    ınternational journal of business and commerce
    the ınternational journal of business & management (the ıjbm)
    ınternational journal of business and management ınvention (ıjbmı)
    ınternational journal of business and social research
    ınternational journal of business management and economic research (ıjbmer)
    ınternational journal of business management and economic studies (ıjbmes)
    ınternational journal of business marketing and management (ıjbmm)
    ınternational journal of business quantitative economics and applied management research
    ınternational journal of business tourism & applied sciences
    ınternational journal of case studies
    ınternational journal of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences (ıjcps)
    ınternational journal of chemical science and technology (ıjcst)
    ınternational journal of chemical studies (ıjcs)
    ınternational journal of civil, mechanical and energy science (ıjcmes)
    ınternational journal of clinical and diagnostic research (ıjcdr)
    ınternational journal of clinical cases and ınvestigations (ıjccı)
    ınternational journal of collaborative research on ınternal medicine & public health (ıjcrımph)
    ınternational journal of commerce and management research
    ınternational journal of communication and health
    ınternational journal of communication networks and ınformation security (ıjcnıs)
    ınternational journal of comprehensive research in biological sciences (ıjcrbs)
    ınternational journal of computation and applied sciences (ıjocaas)
    ınternational journal of computational engineering research (ıjcer)
    ınternational journal of computational science, mathematics and engineering (ıjcsme)
    ınternational journal of computer & electronics research (ıjcer)
    ınternational journal of computer & communication engineering research (ıjccer)
    ınternational journal of computer and ınformation technology (ıjcıt)
    ınternational journal of computer applications
    ınternational journal of computer application and engineering technology (ıjcaet)
    ınternational journal of computer applications in engineering sciences (ıjcaes)
    ınternational journal of computer applications technology and research (ıjcatr)
    ınternational journal of computer engineering & applications (ıjcea)
    ınternational journal of computer engineering in research trends (ıjcert)
    ınternational journal of computer networks and applications (ıjcna)
    ınternational journal of computer networks and communications security (ıjcncs)
    ınternational journal of computer science & communication security (ıjcscs)
    ınternational journal of computer science and business ınformatics
    ınternational journal of computer science and communication networks (ıjcscn)
    ınternational journal of computer science and ınformation security
    ınternational journal of computer science and ınformation technologies
    ınternational journal of computer science and mobile computing (ıjcsmc)
    ınternational journal of computer science and network (ıjcsn)
    ınternational journal of computer science and network security (ıjcsns)
    ınternational journal of computer science and software engineering (ıjcsse)
    ınternational journal of computer science and technology (ıjcst)
    ınternational journal of computer science and telecommunications (ıjcst)
    ınternational journal of computer science engineering (ıjcse)
    ınternational journal of computer science engineering and technology (ıjcset)
    ınternational journal of computer science, ınformation technology, & security (ıjcsıts)
    ınternational journal of computer science ıssues
    ınternational journal of computer science trends and technology (ıjcst)
    ınternational journal of computer systems (ıjcs)
    ınternational journal of computer technology and applications (ıjcta)
    ınternational journal of computer technology and electronics engineering (ıjctee)
    ınternational journal of computing academic research (ıjcar)
    ınternational journal of computing and corporate research (ıjccr)
    ınternational journal of computing science and ınformation technology (ıjcsıt)
    ınternational journal of conference proceedings
    ınternational journal of contemporary applied sciences (ıjcas)
    ınternational journal of contemporary medical research (ıjcmr)
    ınternational journal of contemporary research and review (ıjcrr)
    ınternational journal of core engineering and management (ıjcem)
    ınternational journal of current advanced research
    ınternational journal of current agricultural sciences (ıjcar)
    ınternational journal of current business and social sciences (ıjcbss)
    ınternational journal of current engineering sciences (ıjces)
    ınternational journal of current ınnovation research (ıjcır)
    ınternational journal of current medical and pharmaceutical research (cmpr)
    ınternational journal of current medical sciences
    ınternational journal of current microbiology and applied sciences
    ınternational journal of current multidisciplinary studies
    ınternational journal of current pharmaceutical review and research
    ınternational journal of current research
    ınternational journal of current research and academic review (ıjcrar)
    ınternational journal of current research and review
    ınternational journal of current research in chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences (ıjcrcps)
    ınternational journal of current research in life sciences (ıjcrls)
    ınternational journal of current research in multidisciplinary (ıjcrm)
    ınternational journal of current science
    ınternational journal of current science and technology
    ınternational journal of dental and health sciences
    ınternational journal of dermatopathology and surgery (ıjds)
    ınternational journal of development and sustainability (ıjds)
    ınternational journal of development research
    ınternational journal of digital communication and networks (ıjdcn)
    ınternational journal of digital library services (ıjodls)
    ınternational journal of drug development and research (ıjddr)
    ınternational journal of e-computer science evolution
    ınternational journal of economics and finance (ıjef)
    ınternational journal of economics and research
    ınternational journal of economics, commerce and management (ıjecm)
    ınternational journal of economics, finance and management
    ınternational journal of education and applied research (ıjear)
    ınternational journal of education and psychological research (ıjepr)
    ınternational journal of education and research
    ınternational journal of education and social science (ıjess)
    the ınternational journal of educational and psychological assessment
    ınternational journal of educational ınvestigations (ıjeı)
    ınternational journal of electrical and electronics engineers (ıjeee)
    ınternational journal of electrical, electronics and computers (eec journal)
    ınternational journal of electrical, electronics and mechanical controls (ıjeemc)
    ınternational journal of electrical energy (ıjoee)
    ınternational journal of electrochemical science
    ınternational journal of electronics & communication technology (ıject)
    ınternational journal of electronics and ınformation engineering (ıjeıe)
    ınternational journal of electronics communication and computer engineering
    ınternational journal of electronics communication and computer technology (ıjecct)
    ınternational journal of emerging engineering research and technology (ıjeert)
    ınternational journal of emerging research in management and technology (ıjermt)
    ınternational journal of emerging science and engineering (ıjese)
    ınternational journal of emerging sciences (ıjes)
    ınternational journal of emerging technologies and ınnovative research (jetır)
    ınternational journal of emerging technology & research (ıjetr)
    ınternational journal of emerging technology and advanced engineering
    ınternational journal of emerging trends in electrical and electronics (ıjetee)
    ınternational journal of emerging trends in pharmaceutical sciences (ıjetps)
    ınternational journal of emerging trends in research (ıjoetr)
    ınternational journal of emerging trends in science and technology (ıjetst)
    ınternational journal of energy & technology
    ınternational journal of energy and water resources (ıjewr)
    ınternational journal of engineering & science research (ıjesr)
    ınternational journal of engineering and advanced research technology (ıjeart)
    ınternational journal of engineering and advanced technology (ıjeat)
    ınternational journal of engineering and applied sciences
    ınternational journal of engineering and applied sciences
    ınternational journal of engineering and computer science (ıjecs)
    ınternational journal of engineering and ınnovative technology (ıjeıt)
    ınternational journal of engineering and management research (ıjemr)
    ınternational journal of engineering and science
    ınternational journal of engineering and science ınvention (ıjesı)
    ınternational journal of engineering & technology (ıjet)
    ınternational journal of engineering and technology (ıjet)
    ınternational journal of engineering applied science and technology (ıjeast)
    ınternational journal of engineering associates (ıjea)
    ınternational journal of engineering development and research (ıjedr)
    ınternational journal of engineering ınnovations and research (ıjeır)
    ınternational journal of engineering ınventions (ıjeı)
    ınternational journal of engineering maths and computer science
    ınternational journal of engineering research
    ınternational journal of engineering research and applications (ıjera)
    ınternational journal of engineering research and computer science (ıjercs)
    ınternational journal of engineering research and development (ıjerd)
    ınternational journal of engineering research and general science (ijergs)
    ınternational journal of engineering research & management (ıjerm)
    ınternational journal of engineering research & science (ıjoer)
    ınternational journal of engineering research and science & technology (ıjerst)
    ınternational journal of engineering research & technology (ıjert)
    ınternational journal of engineering researches and management studies (ıjerms)
    ınternational journal of engineering science & advanced technology
    ınternational journal of engineering science and computing (ıjesc)
    ınternational journal of engineering science and generic research (ıjesar)
    ınternational journal of engineering science and ınnovative technology (ıjesıt)
    ınternational journal of engineering, science and technology
    ınternational journal of engineering science ınvention-research & development (ıjesırd)
    ınternational journal of engineering sciences & research technology (ıjesrt)
    ınternational journal of engineering sciences & management (ıjesmr)
    ınternational journal of engineering technologies and management research (ıjetmr)
    ınternational journal of engineering technology and computer research (ıjetcr)
    ınternational journal of engineering technology and management (ıjetm)
    ınternational journal of engineering technology and scientific ınnovation (ıjetsı)
    ınternational journal of engineering technology, management and applied sciences (ıjetmas)
    ınternational journal of engineering trends and applications (ıjeta)
    ınternational journal of engineering trends and technology (ıjett)
    ınternational journal of english and education
    ınternational journal of english language & translation studies (ıj-elts)
    ınternational journal of english language , literature & humanities (ıjellh)
    ınternational journal of english language, literature and translation studies
    ınternational journal of english research
    ınternational journal of enterprise computing and business systems (ıjecbs)
    ınternational journal of environment
    ınternational journal of environmental & agriculture research
    ınternational journal of environment, agriculture and biotechnology (ıjeab)
    ınternational journal of environmental science and development (ıjesd)
    ınternational journal of farming and allied sciences
    ınternational journal of fauna and biological studies (ıjfbs)
    ınternational journal of fisheries and aquatic studies
    ınternational journal of food and nutritional sciences (ıjfans)
    ınternational journal of fundamental & applied sciences
    ınternational journal of global communications (ıjgc)
    ınternational journal of global ıdeas (ıjgı)
    ınternational journal of governance
    ınternational journal of green and herbal chemistry (ıjghc)
    ınternational journal of health research
    ınternational journal of health research in modern ıntegrated medical sciences (ıjhrmıms)
    ınternational journal of health sciences and research
    ınternational journal of herbal medicine
    ınternational journal of hindi research
    ınternational journal of history, arts and culture (ıjhac)
    ınternational journal of home science
    ınternational journal of human resource and procurement (ıjhrp)
    ınternational journal of human sciences
    ınternational journal of humanities and cultural studies (ıjhcs)
    ınternational journal of humanities and social science ınvention (ıjhssı)
    ınternational journal of humanities and social science research
    the ınternational journal of humanities & social studies
    ınternational journal of humanities & social sciences (jhss)
    ınternational journal of humanities and religion
    ınternational journal of humanities, engineering and pharmaceutical sciences
    ınternational journal of ındian psychology
    ınternational journal of ınformation and communication technology research
    ınternational journal of ınformation and communication technology trends (ıjıctt)
    ınternational journal of ınformation and education technology (ıjıet)
    ınternational journal of ınformation research
    ınternational journal of ınformation research and review (ıjırr)
    ınternational journal of ınformation sources and services: a research journal in library science (ıjss)
    ınternational journal of ınformation technology & business management
    ınternational journal of ınformation technology & computer science (ıjıtcs)
    ınternational journal of ınformation technology and electrical engineering (ıtee)
    ınternational journal of ınformative and futuristic research (ıjıfr)
    ınternational journal of ınnovation and research in educational sciences (ıjıres)
    ınternational journal of ınnovation in science and mathematics (ıjısm)
    ınternational journal of ınnovation research (ıjır)
    ınternational journal of ınnovations in engineering and technology (ıjıet)
    ınternational journal of ınnovations in engineering research and technology (ıjıert)
    ınternational journal of ınnovation science and research (ıjısr)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative and applied research (ıjıar)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative and emerging research in engineering (ıjıere)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative computer science & engineering (ıjıcse)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative concepts in research (ıjıcr)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative ıdeas
    ınternational journal of ınnovative ınterdisciplinary research
    ınternational journal of ınnovative pharmaceutical research (ıjıpr)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research & advanced studies (ıjıras)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research and creative technology (ıjırct)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research and development
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research and studies
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in advanced engineering (ıjrae)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in computer and communication engineering (ıjırcce)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in electrical, electronics, ınstrumentation and control engineering (ıjıreeıce)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in computer science & technology (ıjırcst)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in engineering & multidisciplinary physical sciences (ıjırmps)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in engineering and management (ıjırem)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in medical science (ıjırms)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in science and engineering (ıjırse)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in science, engineering and technology (ıjırset)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in technology (ıjırt)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative research in technology & science (ıjırts)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative science engineering and technology (ıjıset)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative science and modern engineering (ıjısme)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative studies in sciences and engineering technology (ıjısset)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative technologies (ıjıt)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative technology and exploring engineering (ıjıtee)
    ınternational journal of ınnovative technology and research
    ınternational journal of ınnovative trends in engineering (ıjıte)
    ınternational journal of ıntegrated computer applications & research (ıjıcar)
    ınternational journal of ıntegrated medical research (ıjoımr)
    ınternational journal of ınterdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies (ıjıms)
    ınternational journal of ınterdisciplinary research in science, society and culture (ıjırssc)
    ınternational journal of ınterdisciplinary scientific research
    ınternational journal of ınventions in pharmaceutical sciences (ıjıps)
    ınternational journal of ınventive engineering and sciences (ıjıes)
    the ınternational journal of knowledge, ınnovation and entreprenurship
    ınternational journal of language and applied linguistics (ıjlal)
    ınternational journal of language learning and applied linguistics world
    ınternational journal of language sciences (ıntjls)
    ınternational journal of languages, literature and linguistics (ıjlll)
    ınternational journal of latest research in engineering and computing (ıjlrec)
    ınternational journal of latest research in engineering and technology (ıjlret)
    ınternational journal of latest technology in engineering, management & applied science (ıjltemas)
    ınternational journal of latest trends in engineering and technology (ıjltet)
    ınternational journal of latest trends in engineering, science and technology (ıjltest)
    ınternational journal of law and legal jurisprudence studies (ıjlljs)
    ınternational journal of law and management studies (ıjlms)
    ınternational journal of law research
    ınternational journal of learning, teaching and educational research
    ınternational journal of liberal arts & social science [last word also appears as “sciences”]
    ınternational journal of life science and pharma research
    ınternational journal of life sciences biotechnology and pharma research (ıjlbpr)
    ınternational journal of life-sciences scientific research (ıjlssr)
    ınternational journal of linguistics, social and natural sciences
    ınternational journal of livestock research
    the ınternational journal of management
    ınternational journal of management, accounting & economics (ıjmae / ıjma)
    ınternational journal of management and business studies (ıjmbs)
    ınternational journal of management and research (ıjmr)
    ınternational journal of management and social science research review (ıjmsrr)
    ınternational journal of management, economics and social sciences (ıjmess)
    ınternational journal of management research and business strategy (ıjmrbs)
    ınternational journal of management research and review (ıjmrr)
    ınternational journal of management sciences and business research (ıjmsbr)
    ınternational journal of mathematical archive (ıjma)
    ınternational journal of mathematical research & science
    ınternational journal of mathematical sciences & applications (ıjmsa)
    ınternational journal of mathematics and computer research (ıjmcr)
    ınternational journal of mathematics and soft computing (ıjmsc)
    ınternational journal of mathematics and statistics ınvention (ıjmsı)
    ınternational journal of mechanical engineering and ınformation technology (ıjmeıt)
    ınternational journal of medical and health research (ıjmhr)
    ınternational journal of medical and health sciences
    ınternational journal of medical research
    ınternational journal of medical research & health sciences (ıjmrhs)
    ınternational journal of medical research & review (ıjmrr)
    ınternational journal of medical research and pharmaceutical sciences (ıjmrps)
    ınternational journal of medical research professionals (ıjmrp)
    ınternational journal of medical science and education (ıjmse)
    ınternational journal of medical science and public health (ıjmsph)
    ınternational journal of medical science research and practice (ıjmsrp)
    ınternational journal of medical sciences and health care (ıjmshc)
    ınternational journal of medical students (ıjms)
    ınternational journal of medicine and biosciences
    ınternational journal of medicobiologial research
    ınternational journal of medipharm research (ıjomr)
    ınternational journal of modern chemistry and applied science
    ınternational journal of modern engineering research (ıjmer)
    ınternational journal of modern sciences and engineering technology (ıjmset)
    ınternational journal of mosquito research
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary and current research (ıjmcr)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary and scientific emerging research (ıjmser)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary and scientific emerging research [alt] (ıjmser)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary education and research (ıjmer)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary educational research (ıjmer)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary health sciences
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary research and development
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary research and ınformation
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary research and modern education
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary research and review (ıjmrr)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary research review (ıjmdrr)
    ınternational journal of multidisciplinary sciences and engineering (ıjmse)
    ınternational journal of nanofluids and nanoparticles
    ınternational journal of network security (ıjns)
    ınternational journal of network service and technologies (ıjnst)
    ınternational journal of new ınnovations in engineering and technology (ıjnıet)
    ınternational journal of new technologies in science and engineering (ıjntse)
    ınternational journal of new technology and research
    ınternational journal of new trends in arts, sports & science education (ıjtase)
    ınternational journal of novel trends in pharmaceutical sciences (ıjntps)
    ınternational journal of nursing
    ınternational journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research (ıjogr)
    ınternational journal of oral health and medical research (ıjohmr)
    ınternational journal of oncology science (ıjos)
    ınternational journal of orthopaedics sciences (ıjos)
    ınternational journal of pediatrics
    ınternational journal of pharma and bio sciences (ıjpbs)
    ınternational journal of pharma professional’s research
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical & research science (ıjprs journal)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical and biological science archive (ıjpba)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical research
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical and phytopharmacological research (eıjppr)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical quality assurance and pharmaceutical analysis
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical research and applications (ıjpra)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical research and bioscience (ıjprbs)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical research and development (ıjprd)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical science ınvention (ıjpsı)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical sciences and business management
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical sciences and drug research
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research (ıjpsr)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical sciences letters (ıjpsl)
    ınternational journal of pharmaceutical sciences review and research
    ınternational journal of pharmaceuticals and health care research (ıjphr)
    ınternational journal of pharmacognosy (ıjp)
    ınternational journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemical research (ıjppr)
    ınternational journal of pharmacology and physiology (ıjpp)
    ınternational journal of pharmacy
    ınternational journal of pharmacy & ındustrial research (ıjpır)
    ınternational journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical research (ıjppr)
    ınternational journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (ınt j pharm pharm sci)
    ınternational journal of pharmacy and technology (ıjpt)
    ınternational journal of physical education, sports and health
    ınternational journal of physiotherapy (ıjphy)
    ınternational journal of plant, animal and environmental sciences
    ınternational journal of power electronics engineering
    ınternational journal of precious engineering research and applications (ıjpera)
    ınternational journal of printing, packaging & allied sciences (ıjppas)
    ınternational journal of psycho-educational sciences
    ınternational journal of psychology and behavioral research (ıjpbr)
    ınternational journal of psychology and educational studies (ıjpes)
    ınternational journal of pure & applied bioscience (ıjpab)
    ınternational journal of pure and applied zoology (ıjpaz)
    ınternational journal of research granthaalayah
    ınternational journal of recent advances in multidisciplinary research (ıjramr)
    ınternational journal of recent development in engineering and technology (ıjrdet)
    ınternational journal of recent engineering research and development (ıjrerd)
    ınternational journal of recent research and applied studies (ıjrras)
    ınternational journal of recent research in science, engineering and technology (ıjrrset)
    ınternational journal of recent scientific research
    ınternational journal of recent surgical and medical sciences (ıjrsms)
    ınternational journal of recent technology and engineering (ıjrte)
    ınternational journal of recent trends in engineering & research (ıjrter)
    ınternational journal of remote sensing and geoscience (ıjrsg)
    ınternational journal of renewable energy research (ıjrer)
    ınternational journal of research and current development (ıjrcd)
    ınternational journal of research and development in pharmacy & life sciences (ıjrdpl)
    ınternational journal of research and development in technology & management sciences kailash (ıjrdtm-kailash)
    ınternational journal of research and engineering (ıjre)
    ınternational journal of research and ınnovation in computer engineering (ıjrıce)
    ınternational journal of research and science publication (ıjrsp)
    ınternational journal of research culture society (ıjrcs)
    ınternational journal of research development (ıjord)
    ınternational journal of research in advanced engineering and technology
    ınternational journal of research ın advanced engineering technologies (ıjraet)
    ınternational journal of research in aeronautical and mechanical engineering (ıjrame)
    ınternational journal of research in agricultural sciences (ıjras)
    ınternational journal of research in agriculture and forestry (ıjraf)
    ınternational journal of research in ayurveda and pharmacy ıjrap
    ınternational journal of research in business studies and management (ıjrbsm)
    ınternational journal of research in computer and communication technology
    ınternational journal of research in computer engineering & electronics (ıjrcee)
    ınternational journal of research in computer science
    ınternational journal of research in computer technology
    ınternational journal of research in education and science
    ınternational journal of research in education and social science (ıjress)
    ınternational journal of research in electronics & communication technology (ıjrect)
    ınternational journal of research in engineering and advanced technology (ıjreat)
    ınternational journal of research in engineering and science (ıjres)
    ınternational journal of research in engineering and technology (ıjret)
    ınternational journal of research in humanities and social sciences (ıjrhss)
    ınternational journal of research in library science (ıjrls)
    ınternational journal of research in management & business studies (ıjrmbs)
    ınternational journal of research in mechanical engineering and technology (ıjrmet)
    ınternational journal of research in medical & applied sciences (ıjrmas)
    ınternational journal of research in medical and dental sciences
    ınternational journal of research in pharmacy and biosciences (ıjrpb)
    ınternational journal of research in pharmacy and science (ıjrps)
    ınternational journal of research in science & engineering (ıjrıse)
    ınternational journal of research in science & technology (ıjrst)
    ınternational journal of research in wireless systems (ıjrws)
    ınternational journal of research methodology (ıjrm)
    ınternational journal of research publications in engineering and technology (ıjrpet)
    ınternational journal of research science and management (ıjrsm)
    ınternational journal of review in applied and social sciences (ıjrass)
    ınternational journal of review in life sciences (ıjrls)
    ınternational journal of review in life sciences [hijacked version] (ıjrls)
    ınternational journal of reviews in computing
    ınternational journal of reviews, surveys and research (ıjrsr)
    ınternational journal of sanskrit research
    ınternational journal of science and advanced technology (ıjsat)
    ınternational journal of science & engineering development research (ıjsdr)
    ınternational journal of science and engineering applications (ıjsea)
    ınternational journal of science and engineering ınvestigations (ıjseı)
    the ınternational journal of science & technoledge
    ınternational journal of science and research
    ınternational journal of science and research methodology (ıjsrm)
    ınternational journal of science and technology
    ınternational journal of science & technology (ıjst)
    ınternational journal of science commerce and humanities (ıjsch)
    ınternational journal of science culture and sport (ıntjscs)
    ınternational journal of science engineering and advance technology (ıjseat)
    ınternational journal of science, engineering and technology research (ıjsetr)
    ınternational journal of science environment and technology
    ınternational journal of science ınnovations and discoveries
    ınternational journal of science technology and engineering
    ınternational journal of science technology & management (ıjstm)
    ınternational journal of sciences (ıjsciences)
    ınternational journal of sciences and applied research (ıjsar)
    ınternational journal of scientific & technology research (ıjstr)
    ınternational journal of scientific and engineering research (ıjser)
    ınternational journal of scientific and research (ıjsr)
    ınternational journal of scientific and research publications (ıjsrp)
    ınternational journal of scientific and technical advancements (ıjsta)
    ınternational journal of scientific engineering and applied science (ıjseas)
    ınternational journal of scientific engineering and technology
    ınternational journal of scientific engineering and technology research (ıjsetr)
    ınternational journal of scientific progress & research (ıjspr)
    ınternational journal of scientific research (ıjscr)
    ınternational journal of scientific research (ıjsr)
    ınternational journal of scientific research & management studies (ıjsrms)
    ınternational journal of scientific research and application (ıjsra publishing)
    ınternational journal of scientific research and education (ıjsre)
    ınternational journal of scientific research and engineering trends (ıjsret)
    ınternational journal of scientific research and ınnovative technology (ıjsrıt)
    ınternational journal of scientific research and management (ıjsrm)
    ınternational journal of scientific research in education
    ınternational journal of scientific research in ınformation systems and engineering (ıjsrıse)
    ınternational journal of scientific study
    ınternational journal of signal processing systems (ıjsps)
    the ınternational journal of social and applied sciences
    ınternational journal of social science & economic research (ıjsser)
    ınternational journal of social science and humanity (ıjssh)
    the ınternational journal of social sciences (tıjoss)
    ınternational journal of social sciences and education (ıjsse)
    ınternational journal of social sciences and entrepreneurship (ıjsse)
    ınternational journal of society and technology
    ınternational journal of society, culture & language (ıjscl)
    ınternational journal of soft computing and engineering
    ınternational journal of sport studies (ıjss)
    ınternational journal of teacher educational research (ıjter)
    ınternational journal of technical research and applications (ıjtra)
    ınternational journal of technical research and ınnovation (ıjtrı)
    ınternational journal of technology and computing (ıjtc)
    ınternational journal of technology, education, and resource management (ıjterm)
    ınternational journal of technology enhancements and emerging engineering research (ıjteee)
    ınternational journal of technology, management and humanities (ıjtmh)
    ınternational journal of therapeutic applications (ıjta)
    ınternational journal of toxicological and pharmacological research
    ınternational journal of trend in research and development (ıjtrd)
    ınternational journal of trends in economics management and technology (ıjtemt)
    ınternational journal of universal pharmacy and bio sciences (ıjupbs)
    ınternational journal of veterinary science
    ınternational journal of wind and renewable energy (ıjwre)
    ınternational journal of wisdom based computing
    ınternational journal of world research
    ınternational journal on recent and ınnovation trends in computing and communication (ıjrıtcc)
    ınternational journal on recent technologies in mechanical and electrical engineering (ıjrmee)
    ınternational journal on recent trends in life science and mathematics (ıjrtlsm)
    ınternational journal on research methodologies in physics and chemistry (ıjrmpc)
    ınternational journal online of humanities (ıjohmn)
    ınternational letters of chemistry, physics and astronomy
    ınternational letters of natural sciences
    ınternational letters of social and humanistic sciences
    ınternational multidisciplinary research journal
    ınternational multispeciality journal of health
    ınternational online journal of primary education (ıojpe)
    ınternational proceedings of chemical, biological and environmental engineering (ıpcbee)
    ınternational refereed journal of architecture and design
    ınternational refereed journal of engineering and science (ırjes)
    ınternational research and publications in medical sciences (ırpms)
    ınternational research journal of advanced engineering in frontiers (ırjef)
    ınternational research journal of applied and basic sciences (ırjabs)
    ınternational research journal of applied finance
    ınternational research journal of engineering and technology (ırjet)
    ınternational research journal of finance and economics
    ınternational research journal of management sciences (ırjms)
    ınternational research journal of multidisciplinary science & technology (ırjmrs)
    ınternational research journal of pharmaceutical and applied sciences (ırjpas)
    ınternational research journal of pharmaceutical sciences (ırjps)
    ınternational research journal of pharmacy (ırjp)
    ınternational research journal of sustainable science & engineering (ırjsse)
    ınternational researchers
    ınternational review of basic and applied sciences (ırbas)
    ınternational review of management and business research (ırmbr)
    ınternational review of social sciences and humanities
    ınternational science and ınvestigation journal (ısıj)
    ınternational scientific ınvestigations (ısı ???????? ? ??????????? ??????????? ?????)
    ınternational scientific journal theoretical & applied science
    ınternational scientific research journal (ırj.science)
    ınternational technical sciences journal (ıtsj)
    ınvention journal of research technology in engineering & management (ıjrtem)
    ıosr journal of engineering
    ıtalian journal of science & engineering
    return to top

    nternational journal of research in engineering and science (ıjreas)
    nanoworld journal (nwj)
    national journal of basic medical sciences
    national journal of community medicine
    national journal of medical and dental research
    national journal of physiology, pharmacy, and pharmacology
    norwegian journal of development of the ınternational science
    return to top

    oıda ınternational journal of sustainable development
    oıda ınternational journal of sustainable development
    online ınternational ınterdisciplinary research journal
    online journal of communication and media technologies
    the online journal of distance education and e-learning (tojdel)
    online journal of library & ınformation science (ojlıs)
    the online journal of new horizons in education (tojned)
    the online journal of science and technology (tojsat)
    open access journal of science and technology
    open journal of clinical & medical sciences
    open journal of clinical & medical case reports
    oriental journal of computer science and technology
    return to top

    journal of advanced computing and communication technologies (jacotech)
    jai maa saraswati gyandayini
    journal of accounting, ethics & public policy
    journal de afrikana
    journal der pharmazie forschung (rapsr)
    journal for research (journal 4 research / j4r)
    journal francophone de cas clinique
    the journal of academic social science studies (jasss)
    journal of advanced agricultural technologies (joaat)
    journal of advanced studies in agricultural, biological and environmental sciences (jabe)
    journal of advanced veterinary and animal research (javar)
    journal of advances in civil engineering (jace)
    journal of advances in electronics and communication engineering (jaece)
    journal of advances in ınformation technology (jaıt)
    journal of advances in ınternal medicine
    journal of advances in science and technology (jadbm)
    journal of advances in social science and humanities
    journal of agriculture, forestry & environmental sciences
    journal of american academic research (jaar)
    the journal of american academy of business, cambridge
    the journal of american business review, cambridge
    journal of american physicians and surgeons (jpands)
    journal of anaesthesia and critical care case reports
    journal of analytical research
    journal of animal and plant sciences (nairobi, kenya)
    journal of animal and poultry sciences (japsc)
    journal of applicable chemistry
    journal of applied biology & biotechnology (jabb)
    journal of applied economics and business
    journal of applied linguistics and language research (jallr)
    journal of applied linguistics (dubai)
    journal of applied management and ınvestments (jamı)
    journal of applied pharmacy
    journal of applied pharmaceutical science
    journal of arts and humanities
    journal of automation and control engineering (joace)
    journal of ayurveda and ıntegrated medical sciences (jaıms)
    journal of ayurveda and holistic medicine (jahm)
    journal of basic and environmental sciences (jbes)
    journal of behavioral health
    journal of behavioral sciences in asia
    journal of bio ınnovation
    journal of biological and scientific opinion (jbso)
    journal of biological sciences and medicine (jbsm)
    journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical research (jbpr)
    journal of bioscience and technology (jbst)
    journal of biospectracal
    journal of business management and applied economics
    journal of business management and economic studies (jbmes)
    journal of business studies quarterly (jbsq)
    journal of chemical and pharmaceutical research
    journal of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences
    journal of chemical, biological and physical sciences (jcbpsc)
    journal of clean energy technologies (jocet)
    journal of clinical and analytical medicine (jcam)
    journal of communications technology, electronics and computer science (jctecs)
    journal of computers
    journal of computing
    journal of computing technologies (jct)
    journal of contemporary ıssues in business research
    journal of contemporary management sciences (jcms)
    journal of contemporary medical education
    journal of coastal life medicine
    journal of cosmology
    journal of current pharma research
    journal of current research in science (jcrs)
    journal of current trends in big data analytics
    journal of drug discovery and therapeutics (jddt)
    journal of economics and banking
    journal of economics and engineering
    journal of economics and political economy
    journal of economics, business and management (joebm)
    journal of education and social science
    journal of education and sociology
    journal of elt and applied linguistics (jeltal)
    journal of electrical engineering
    journal of electrical engineering and science (jees)
    journal of emerging trends in computing and ınformation sciences
    journal of english language and literature (joell)
    journal of engineering and applied mathematics (jeam)
    journal of engineering ınnovation & research (jeır)
    journal of entomology and zoology studies
    journal of environment and life sciences (jels)
    journal of environmental and occupational science
    journal of environmental biology
    journal of environmental hydrology
    journal of environmental nanotechnology
    journal of environmental research and development (jerad)
    journal of environmental science, computer science and engineering & technology (jecet)
    journal of evidence based medicine and healthcare (jebmh)
    journal of evolution of research in dermatology and venerology (jerdv)
    journal of evolution of research in human physiology (jerph)
    journal of evolution of research in medical microbiology (jermm)
    journal of evolution of research in medical pharmacology (jermp)
    journal of evolution of research in paediatrics and neonatology (jerpn)
    journal of excellence in computer science and engineering (jecse)
    journal of experimental biology and agricultural sciences (jebas)
    journal of experimental sciences
    journal of financial education
    journal of food, agriculture and environment (jfae)
    journal of fundamental and applied sciences
    journal of genetic and environmental resources conservation (jgerc)
    journal of geotechnical and transportation engineering
    journal of global biosciences
    journal of global business management
    journal of global ınnovations in agricultural and social sciences (jgıass)
    journal of global research in computer science (jgrcs)
    journal of health economics and outcomes research (jheor)
    journal of health, sport and tourism
    journal of herbmed pharmacology (jhp)
    journal of human resource and adult learning
    journal of humanities and cultural studies r&d
    journal of hydrology and environment research (jher)
    journal of ımab
    journal of ındustrial and ıntelligent ınformation (jııı)
    journal of ınformation management (jım)
    journal of ınnovations in applied pharmaceutical science (jıaps)
    journal of ınnovations in pharmaceuticals and biological sciences (jıpbs)
    journal of ınnovative biology (jıb)
    journal of ınnovative engineering
    journal of ınnovative research and solutions (jıras)
    journal of ıntercultural ethnopharmacology
    journal of ınterdisciplinary histopathology
    journal of ınternational academic research for multidisciplinary (jıarm)
    journal of ınternational anatolia sport science (uluslararası anadolu spor bilimleri dergisi)
    journal of ınternational environmental application & science
    journal of ınternational management studies
    journal of ınternet banking and commerce
    journal of ınvestigational biochemistry
    journal of knowledge management, economics and ınformation technology
    journal of language and literature
    journal of law and ethics
    journal of materials and environmental science (jmes)
    journal of mathematics and computer science (jmcs)
    journal of mathematics and technology
    journal of media & mass communication
    journal of media critiques (jmc)
    journal of medical science and technology
    journal of molecular pathophysiology
    journal of nano ınnovation
    journal of natural products
    journal of novel applied sciences
    journal of medical biomedical and applied sciences
    journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences (jmpas)
    the journal of medical research
    journal of medical research and practice (jmrp)
    journal of medical science and clinical research (jmscr)
    journal of middle east and north africa sciences (journal of mena sciences)
    journal of middle east applied science and technology (jmeast)
    journal of microbiology and antimicrobial agents (jmaa)
    journal of modern science & heritage
    journal of modern science and technology
    journal of multidisciplinary developments (jomude)
    journal of multidisciplinary engineering science and technology (jmest)
    journal of multidisciplinary engineering science studies (jmess)
    journal of nature and science (jnscı)
    journal of neurology & neuromedicine
    journal of new sciences
    journal of nonlinear science and applications (jnsa)
    journal of pharmaceutical and bioanalytical science (jpb science)
    journal of pharmaceutical and biological sciences (jpabs)
    journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences (jpbms)
    journal of pharmaceutical and scientific ınnovation (jpsı)
    journal of pharmaceutical, chemical and biological sciences (jpcbs)
    journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry
    journal of pharmacy practice and community medicine
    journal of pharmacy research (jpr)
    journal of physical education research (joper)
    journal of physical therapy science (jpts)
    journal of psychology and theology
    journal of postharvest technology
    journal of process management new technologies ınternational (jpmnt)
    journal of rare diseases research & treatment
    journal of reading and literacy (jrl)
    journal of research in anaesthesology and pain medicine (jrap)
    journal of research in biology
    journal of research in computers and technology (jrct)
    journal of research in forensic medicine and toxicology (jrfmt)
    journal of research in general surgery and laparoscopy (jegsl)
    journal of research in human anatomy and embryology (jrhae)
    journal of research in obstetrics, gynaecology and ınfertility (jrogı)
    journal of research in preventive and social medicine (jrpsm)
    journal of research in psychiatry and behavioural sciences (jrpbs)
    journal of research in psychiatry and behavioural sciences (jrpbs)
    journal of research in radiodiagnosis, teleradiology and ımaging (jrrtı)
    journal of research in traditional medicine (jrtm)
    journal of science
    journal of science and ıts applications (josaıa)
    journal of science and technology advances
    journal of science editing
    journal of scientific and engineering research
    journal of scientific letters
    journal of scientific research and development
    journal of scientific research and development [alt]
    journal of scientific research in pharmacy (jsrp)
    journal of scientific research in physical & mathematical sciences
    journal of scientific theory and methods
    journal of social ıssues & humanities
    journal of software (jsw)
    journal of spectroscopy and molecular physics
    journal of studies in social sciences and humanities (jsssh)
    journal of surgery & patient care (surgery open access)
    journal of telecommunications
    journal of the ınternational association of advanced technology and science (jıaats)
    journal of theoretical and applied ınformation technology (jatıt)
    journal of trends in the development of machinery and associated technology (tmt proceedings)
    jundishapur journal of health sciences (jjhs)
    junior scientific researcher
    return to top

    plants journal / journal of medicinal plants studies
    paripex ındian journal of research (pıjr)
    path of science (traektoriâ nauki)
    pattern recognition in physics
    people’s journal of scientific research
    pharma ınnovation
    the pharma research (journal)
    pharmaceutical and biological evaluations
    pharmaceutical and chemical journal
    pharmacie globale: ınternational journal of comprehensive pharmacy (ıjcp)
    pharmacognosy: journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry
    pharmacologyonline (phol)
    pharmanest: an ınternational journal of advances in pharmaceutical sciences
    physical education and sports research journal (academic sports scholars)
    plant digest
    professionals center for business research
    progress in physics
    pyxis journal
    return to top

    kashmir economic review
    return to top

    lecture notes on software engineering (lnse)
    legal research development (lrd)
    letters in applied nanobioscience
    librı: linguistic and literary broad research and ınnovation
    lingua: ınternational journal of linguistics, literature and culture (lingua- ıjllc)
    lokavishkar ınternational e-journal
    return to top

    the macrotheme review
    malti: ınternational hindi e-research journal (?????: ?????????????? ????? ?-???)
    mathematical and computational applications (mca)
    mechanics, materials science & engineering journal (mmse journal)
    medical research archives
    medico research chronicles
    mediterranean journal of biosciences (mjb)
    mediterranean journal of chemistry
    mediterranean journal of modeling & simulation
    mediterranean journal of physics
    medlife clinics
    modern behavioral science
    the modern journal of applied linguistics (mjal)
    modern journal of language teaching methods (mjltm)
    multidisciplinary scientific reviewer
    munis entomology & zoology
    return to top

    quarterly physics review
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    reef resources assessment and management technical paper
    remedy open access
    research |
    research (french version)
    research ambition
    research chronicler
    research chronicles (research chronicle in health sciences)
    research dimension
    research directions: ınternational multidisciplinary research journal (research directions journal)
    research in biotechnology
    research in pharmacy and health sciences
    research ınnovator
    research ınspiration
    research ınventy: ınternational journal of engineering and science
    research journal of life sciences, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical, and chemical sciences (rjlbpcs)
    research journal of pharmaceutical, biological and chemical sciences (rjpbcs)
    research opinions in animal and veterinary sciences (roavs)
    research revolution
    research scholar
    researchers world – journal of arts science & commerce
    review of research
    reviews of progress
    revista electrónica de las ciencias computacionales e ınformática (recı)
    revista ıberoamericana de ciencas
    revista ıberoamericana de contaduría, economía y administración (rıcea)
    revista ıberoamericana de las ciencias biológicas y agropecuarias (cıba)
    revista ıberoamericana de las ciencias de la salud (rıcs)
    revista ıberoamericana de las ciencias sociales y humanísticas (rıcsh)
    revista ıberoamericana para la ınvestigación y el desarrollo educativo (rıde)
    romanian biotechnological letters
    return to top

    sanskruti ınternational multidisciplinary research journal (sımrj)
    scholarly research exchange
    scholars world- ınternational refereed multidisciplinary journal of contemporary research
    science and engineering applications (saea)
    science ınternational
    science ınternational (lahore)
    science park
    science postprint (spp)
    science research reporter
    science reuters
    scientific light
    scientific research journal (scirj)
    scientific research journal of ındia
    scientific researches
    scientific transactions in environment and technovation
    scientific world
    scitech journal
    scottish journal of arts, social sciences and scientific studies (sjass)
    scro annual report journal
    sensors & transducers journal
    seventh sense research group journal
    shiraz e-medical journal
    shiv rudraksha ınternational journal of advanced research in engineering & management
    smart & young
    smart nanosystems in engineering and medicine
    south asian journal of food technology and environment
    south asian journal of mathematics
    south ındian journal of biological sciences
    south pacific journal of technology and science (spjts)
    south pacific journal of pharma and bio sciences (spjpbs)
    sport science
    swedish journal of scientific research (sjsr)
    swiss journal of research in business and social science (sjrbss)
    return to top

    tactful management research journal (tmrj)
    technical journal of engineering and applied sciences (tjeas)
    technics technologies education management
    tehnicki vjesnik = technical gazette (tv-tg)
    translational medicine and biotechnology (tmb)
    transnational journal of science and technology (tjst)
    transworld medical journal (twmj)
    trends journal of sciences research (tjsr)
    tropical plant research
    turkish journal of scientific research
    turkish online journal of educational technology (tojet)
    return to top

    ultra engineer
    ulutas genetic research journal
    the ulutas medical journal
    universal journal of applied computer science and technology
    universal journal of computer science and engineering technology (unicse)
    universal journal of pharmaceutical research (ujpr)
    universal journal of pharmacy (ujp online)
    universe of emerging technology and science (unıets)
    return to top

    visi jurnal akademik
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    weekly science ınternational research journal
    world academy of ınformatics and management sciences (waıms)
    world applied sciences journal
    world essays journal (wej)
    world journal of ınnovative research (wjır)
    world journal of engineering research and technology (wjert)
    world journal of pharmaceutical and medical research (wjpmr)
    world journal of pharmaceutical and life sciences (wjpls)
    world journal of pharmaceutical research (wjpr)
    world journal of pharmaceutical sciences (wjps)
    world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences (wjpps)
    world journal of research and review (wjrr)
    world journal of science and technology (wjst)
    world medical student journal (worldmsj)
    world scientific news
    world wide journal of multidisciplinary research and development
  • universiteler arasi kurul tarafindan yök`e sunulan rapora gore para karsiligi yayin yapan yağmacı dergilerin özellikleri sunlarmis:
    -"yayımlama için makale işleme ücreti (article processing charge) ödenmesinin zorunlu tutulması",
    - "makaleleri hızlı yayınlama sözü verilmesi ve yayınlanması",
    - "ilan ettiği konu dışında veya birbiriyle ilgisi olmayan birçok farklı alanda makalelere yer verilmesi",
    - "yayın ilkeleri açıklamasının eksik olması",
    - "yayın ilkelerinde açıkça makalelerde özgünlük, önem ve etki aranmadığının belirtilmesi",
    - "yayınlanan araştırmanın telif hakkını saklama veya koruma politikası olmaması" ve - "hakem sürecinin gerçekçi işletilmemesi, hakem görüş ve önerilerinin yazar ile paylaşılmaması"

    dahasi üak'ın aldığı karar doğrultusunda her akademisyen, akademik yükseltmelerde makalesinin şaibeli dergilerde yayımlanmadığına ilişkin yazılı beyanda bulunacakmis ve bu dergilerde yayımlanan bilimsel makalelerin, akademik yükseltmelerde dikkate alınmayacakmis.
  • bu dergilerde yayın yapmış o kadar çok insana denk geldim ki. dersinize giren akademisyenin cvsini iyi inceleyin arkadaşlar, bu dergilerden birisinden bile tek bir makalesi varsa onu ciddiye almayın, hak etmeden oralara gelmiştir. bakın hiçbir yayını olmayanı daha ciddiye alın ama bunları almayın.

    tanım: akademik hilelerin yapıldığı dergi.
  • şu makale ile sağlık camiasında yine gündeme gelen paçavra.
  • herhangi bir listesi olmayan, insanların keyiflerine göre belirledikleri listedir. türkiye'deki dergiler için bir liste çıkarılsın da insanlar yayınlarını heba etmesin. dergipark'ta birçok dergi var, biri çıkıp yağmacı olabilir diyor. arkadaş fal mı bakıyorsunuz, olabiliri mi var? neyse o, karar verin. bilim standartlaşma ile gelişir, öyle kuyuya taş atarak değil.
hesabın var mı? giriş yap