• abd'de faaliyet gösteren think kuruluşlarından biridir.

    kadrosunda, henri barkey, morton abramowitz gibi türkiye'nin de yakınen tanıdığı isimler mevcut.
  • "turkiye'de yerel secimler : aktorler, faktorler ve etkileri (imalari) " baslikli bir rapor yayinlamislar. rapor turkiye'de son donem yasanan olaylari ve bu olaylarin onumuzdeki 30 mart yerel secimlerine ve sonrasinda cumhurbaskanligi secimine etkisini analiz ediyor. raporu hazirlayan ekibe baskanlik eden iki kisi morton abramowitz ve eric edelman. ikisi de daha once turkiye buyukelciligi yapmis isimler.

    rapora su linkten ulasilabilir. saniyorum t24 de ve cumhuriyet gazetesinde raporla iilgili bir kisim icerik turkce'ye cevrilmis ve haber yapilmis.

    ingilizce bilenler icin raporun son kisminda uzun donem turkiye'nin stabilitesi ve amerika birlesik devletleri cikarlari (interests) baslikli bir bolumunu burada paylasalim :

    for the united states, turkey’s current trajectory is highly worrisome. the more authoritarian and ıslamist turkey becomes under erdoğan, the less reliable and stable an ally it will be for the united states . ındeed,
    the longer erdoğan remains in power, the greater the risk becomes of the already fragile turkish -american alliance—based, as it is, in the shared desire and respect for a “way of life...
    based upon the will of the majority,and...distinguished by free institutions, representative government, free elections, guarantees of individual liberty, freedom of speech and religion, and freedom from political oppression”—being fully eroded. ın other words, the u.s. relationship with turkey could begin to more closely resemble that with saudi arabia or pakistan, large middle eastern powers influenced by political ıslam with which the unitedstates can do business whenever interests align, but with which it lacks the shared values that underpins a true alliance.

    beyond this, it is clear that a turkey under erdoğan , or indeed an authoritarian turkey in general, cannot be a stable u.s. ally or an asset in dealing with complicated conflict zones in the middle east, the balkans, or the caucasus. america’s attempts to use turkey to implement its policies in syria failed miserably; and
    on its current trajectory, turkey is looking to be so consumed by its internal struggle that it can hardly focus its energies on a constructive foreign policy. moreover, rather than being an ally helping to stabilize a difficult
    environment, turkey itself is becoming a problem in its own right for american decision-makers
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