3 entry daha
  • ingiliz iç ve dış politikaları hakkında yerinde tespitleri ile kırıp geçiren dizidir. şöyle ki başmüsteşar sir humphrey appleby ve dışişleri müsteşarı sir richard wharton konuşmaktadırlar.

    sir humphrey appleby: this bother about st george's island
    is getting to be a bore.

    sir richard wharton: we made the real mistake
    giving them their independence.

    sha: wasn't that right? wind of change and all?

    srw: yes, but not that way.
    we should have partitioned the island.

    sha: like we did in india, cyprus and palestine?
    and ireland?

    srw: yes, that was our invariable practice
    with the colonies. it always worked.

    sha: but didn't partition always lead to civil war?
    as in india, cyprus, palestine and ireland.

    srw: yes, but it kept them busy.
    instead of fighting other people,
    they fought each other.

    sha: yes, rather good. saved us having a policy.
14 entry daha
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