29 entry daha
  • harvard üniversitesi'nden jocelyne cesari, batıda pozitivist dönemin sona ermiş olmasına rağmen, batılıların özellikle din ve toplum ilişkisi söz konusu olduğunda halen pozitivist-laik refleksler sergilemekte olduklarını şu cümlelerle ifade eder:

    "the age of positivism may be long gone, and the battles with the churches finished, but the continued influence of this past on current perceptions of religion should not be underestimated. a common denominator of western european societies is the tendency to discount or ignore matters of religion in social interaction between citizens. one characteristic of the secularist mindset is the idea that religion has no share in the common good of societies. this attitude is practically unanimous in western europe, no matter what the relationship between the state and organized religion." (cesari, jocelyne. 2004. when islam and democracy meet: muslims in europe and the united states. new york: palgrave macmillan. 75.)

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