• ortamdaki kadinlar tarafindan porno, erkekler tarafindan ise tamamen erotik olarak nitelendirilen film. (film tabii ki erotik)
  • lezbiyen filmi ceken yonetmen hatunlarin spanking yaptigi konulu porno.
  • filmde konusu geçen inferno sonucundaki ödül hakkında da ufak bir sohbet geçer bölümde:

    susan: "so the winner gets a trophy or something?"
    steve: "yes... she gets some kind of trophy..."
    jeff: "trophy? ........oh that!"
    susan: "what kind of trophy?"
    jeff: "three speeds!!"
    steve: "you can stop helping me now jeff!!"
  • cok super, sosyal icerikli entellektuel bir film. bir avuc homoseksuel kadinin gundelik yasamlarina bir bakis, yasadiklari dramin bize sunulusu. kendisi de homoseksuel olan yonetmen cok iyi is cikarmis kiyfetler olsun, sesler olsun cok basarili. gelecegi parlak gozukuyor.

    film ise film festivali'nda bir suru odul alacakmis.
  • ortamdaki kadinlar tarafindan porno, erkekler tarafindan ise tamamen erotik olarak nitelendirilen film. (film tabii ki porno)*
  • steve in son cümlesi "ne kadar aşağılanmış olmalısınız kızlar" diye de çevrilebilir
  • steve'in en muhtesem iki dellenmesinden birini iceren bolum. digeri ise suphesiz cushionlar hakkindaki cani gonulden katildigim cildirmasidir.
  • coupling'in birinci sezonunun ("shadayim *" gibi muhtesem bir bolume ragmen) gulerken en $irazeden cikartan bolumu. jane ve terapistinin diyaloglariysa, gozlerden yas gelmezse para yok gibi bir temel uzerine cikilmis adeta. yasama sevincine ihtiyacim oldugu her an, jane'in surekli ugrastigi ve zorla arkadas yemegine getirdigi vejeteryan terapistine bakarak kuzu dilimleyip "me-he-heee!!" diye melemesini izliyorum (edit: ikinci link, 7:10)

    tum bolum icin:
    1. http://www.youtube.com/…&p=27a18d4b39f902e5&index=9
    2. http://www.youtube.com/…p=27a18d4b39f902e5&index=10
    3. http://www.youtube.com/…p=27a18d4b39f902e5&index=11

    edit iki:

    jeff: well, it's kind of hard to tell isn't it 'cos you tend to fast forward if anyone's dressed. sometimes i forget and do that with proper films. i can get through a lot of movies in an evening.

    jeff : oh, wouldn't that be great.
    patrick: what?
    jeff: being a lesbian. all the advantages of being a man but with less embarrassing genitals. plus, every time you have sex, there's four breasts! two guest breasts and two you can take home afterwards, oh, it's bloody brilliant!
  • steve'in tiradını bir yana bırakırsak; filmin erotik bir film mi, yoksa porno mu olduğu hakkında konuştukları bölüm de (özellikle jeff'in girişleri) çok başarılı;

    steve: if you're so qualified jill, explain this one: if a woman finds something a turn on it's erotica, if a man does it porn.
    susan: i think you have a somewhat blurred vision of lesbian spank inferno steve. but then i suppose you would...
    steve: it's an erotic film.
    susan: it's not even a film.
    steve: why do you assume that? what makes you think it hasn't got a proper story and everything?
    jeff: well it's kinda hard to tell isn't it 'cause you tend to fast forward if anyone's dressed.
    steve: thank you jeff.
    jeff: sometimes i forget and do that with proper films. i can get through a lot of movies in an evening.
    susan: the point is lesbian spank inferno doesn't count as erotica.
    jeff: yes it does.
    steve: of course it does.
    jeff: it's got about fifteen lesbians.
    susan: it's porn.
    steve: well i don't call it porn.
    patrick: you called it porn in the pub.
    steve: oh get a new haircut patrick!
    patrick: stop going on about my haircut.
    jill: what's wrong with it? i think it's lovely and it really suits you.
    patrick: well you're about the only person who does like it.
    jill: oh i bet you know lots of people who like it.
    steve: ok, ok what makes an erotic film any different from porn?
    susan: a plot you can't summarise in diagrams.
    steve: for instance what film is erotic?
    sally: well i found the piano very erotic.
    steve: oh come on, the piano...
    jane: all men hate that film.
    jeff: i liked it; holly hunter was naked through most of it.
    sally: she was nude in one scene.
    jeff: depends how you watch it...
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