• iki cihan harbi arasında, pozitivizmin uzantısı, iki tutam logos eklenmiş hali olarak ortaya çıkan analitik felsefe, özellikle dil çözümlemesine dalarak, dilbilime de bulaşmıştır.. ludwig wittgenstein'ın yanı sıra moritz schlick, rudolf carnap da bu tefekkürün önde gidenleridir..
  • bogazici felsefeden sonra birde bilkent felsefe bu yaklasimi benimseyen bir egitim vermektedir. hani bir yandan da guzel de yapmaktadirlar. ozellikle amerikada genel kabul goren goruse gore, felsefe egitimi analitik felsefenin mantiga dayanan kesin,somut ve guvenli kollarinda verilmeye baslanmali daha sonra kisi eger isterse kita felsefesinin derin vadilerinde kendi gezilerini yapmalidir.
  • felsefenin,kendi alanı içine giren problemleri kesin sonuçlu olarak çözecek biricik yönteminin felsefi analiz ya da kavram analizi olduğuna inanan çağdaş düşünce geleneği.
  • wittgenstein'ın konuşma dilinde kullanılan sözcüklerin toplumun içinde yaratıldığı (ki bu dil sadece kelimelerin sözlük anlamı değil kelimeye yüklenebilecek tüm anlamları ve argoyu da içerir) böylece bunlara bakarak toplumun yapısını da çözülebileceği, sadece sözcüklerin değil mimik ve jestlerin, tonlamaların da ele alnması görüşünü de barındırır içinde.
  • türkiye'deki yansıması, arda denkel'in şu yazısından takip edilebilir:

    analytic philosophy in turkey

    throughout the ottoman centuries there was no significant philosophical activity in turkey, in the sense of free systematic thinking as opposed to theological commentary. the first free thinkers appeared towards the end of the 19th century, and they were only amateurs. university philosophical instruction began in 1912. analytic thought was introduced in turkey in 1933 by hans reichenbach, who established in istanbul university the first department of philosophy in the country. he was among the academics who left germany as a result of rising nazi oppression, and the turkish government was eager to hire him. reichenbach chaired the department for five years and then immigrated to the united states. one of his assistants, nusret hizir, had become a committed advocate of logical positivism, but except for him, reichenbach left little trace of analytic influence behind him. perhaps five years was not enough time to establish an argumentative and non-rhetorical tradition of philosophy. in the 'thirties, hizir mod to ankara university, where a new department in the french philosophical tradition was being founded. until his retirement in 1969, his analytic influence, too, remained rather marginal. meanwhile, at istanbul university nicolai hartmann's philosophy had become dominant; for about twenty-five years, neither logical positivism nor any other form of analytic approach made its appearance there. in the early 'sixties, two young lecturers from that department, huseyin batuhan and nermi uygur, both trained in the german tradition, began to cultivate interest in contemporary english philosophy and logical positivism. as a result, in 1964 uygur published, in mind, the first analytic paper originating from turkey. soon after, however, his interests shifted to phenomenology.

    the true emergence of analytic philosophy occurred with the opening of a humanities department at the anglophone middle east technical university (metu) in ankara. batuhan moved there in 1966, taking with him teo grnberg, who had recently completed a doctoral dissertation on meaning under his supervision at istanbul. these two philosophers published a fair amount in turkey on various analytic topics. their main fields of interest were logic, philosophy of science, and the philosophy of meaning. in the late 'sixties, they attracted to their department other analytically-minded thinkers such as cemal yildirim, harun rizatepe, suvar koseraif and adnan onart. after his retirement from ankara university, nusret hizir began giving courses in the philosophy of science at the faculty of architecture of metu, which attracted large numbers of students. through the 'sixties and 'seventies, no program in philosophy leading to a degree was offered at metu, and philosophical instruction was in the form of service courses.uch courses had the effect of persuading a graduate of city planning, arda denkel, to go to oxford for doctoral research in philosophy.

    bogazici university in istanbul, which was originally founded as a private american institution (robert college and academy) and then converted into a state university, has retained english as a language of instruction. during the 'seventies, a humanities department opened there with the aim of providing service courses to other departments. for a number of years, berent enc and michael burke taught at this department in the analytic tradition. zeynep davran has been teaching at bogazici since 1968. denkel joined them in the late 'seventies. for a while ali karatay too taught there. an engineering student at bogazici, gurol irzik, had taken a number of courses in philosophy and decided to go to indiana university for a ph. d. in the philosophy of science. irzik became a member of the faculty of bogazici in 1987. besides these analytic thinkers, philosophers of different inclinations, have also taught in the department.

    in 1982, both bogazici and metu acquired independent departments of philosophy, with programs leading to a degree. to this day, these institutions have given a predominantly analytic education to a notable number of students at both graduate and undergraduate levels. a few of their graduates went to the u.s. for ph. d.'s. some of those who completed their doctoral work have found positions in u.s. universities, but others are planning to return to turkey. adriano palma and stephen voss should also be mentioned as contributors to the development of analytic philosophy in turkey. they have been employed at bogazici in the 'nineties, and the latter is still a member of this university.

    at present, there are twelve departments of philosophy in turkey. for the most part, analytic philosophers are not in the majority even in their own departments; they are only a small fraction of the academic philosophers in turkey. in contrast, however, analytic thinkers have been quite active in publishing. from the 'seventies onwards, about eighty articles and more than ten books published in turkish have been analytic in style and content. as for international publication, their record is much better than that of their non-analytic colleagues. since 1980, of the 30 papers published in reputable western journals by turkish philosophers from turkish universities, more than eighty percent have been analytic. bogazici is the incontestable leader, since ninety-five percent of the articles and one internationally published book with analytic content originates from this university. these are the reasons for believing that analytic philosophy in turkey will continue to flourish.
  • tıpkı kıta felsefesi gibi bir 20. yy terimidir. coğrafi bir farklılıktan ziyade bir stil farklılığına işaret eder. bu sebeple örneğin descartes'ı bu okullardan birine yerleştirirken dikkatli olmak gerekir.
  • akla direkt "dil, matematiksel çözümleme yöntemiyle ne kadar arı/anlaşılır hale getirilebilir ve bu anlaşılırlık ölçüsü kesin doğrulara ne kadar yakın olabilir?" sorusunu getiren, ne tam felsefeye ne tam bilime konu olabilen disiplindir. metafiziği bulanık olmakla itham ederek metafizik söylemleri temelsiz/spekülatif bulur. felsefeye, kesin doğrulara ulaşma yolunda bilime hizmet eden bir rol yükler. cevap getirilemeyen konularda ise sessiz kalmayı* salık verir.

    (bkz: wovon man kann nicht sprechen)
  • tohumları gottlob frege tarafından atılan ve hepsi de yeni mantıga dayanan bertrand russell, rudolf carnap ve ludwig wittgenstein gibi filozofları bünyesinde barındıran, popülerligini günümüze kadar koruyabilen düşünce okulu. ekol, ortak noktaları metafiziğe karşı düşmanlıkları olan ve çözümleme yoluyla açıklık saglamayı amaçlayan mantıksal pozitivizm, mantıksal atomculuk, mantıkçılık, ve wittgenstein'in tractatus logico philosophicus adlı yapıtında ortaya attığı gündelik dil felsefesi şeklinde 4 çizgiye ayrılır.
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